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New Items !!! - Marlo - 2008.Aug.19 12:49 PM

For all those n00b hospin' needs !!!

The Nylon n00b Protector

[Image: c13w4qs.gif]

Specially designed for the deflection of pea shooters and slingshots. Can resist the strongest of n00b attacks, without compromising the fashion sense of the attacker. Players donning such attire will immediately be known amongst their peers as an uber heady n00b destroyer.


The AL Protester's Power Beret

[Image: LAPV6LUA1beret.jpg]

Reminiscent of official garb used by many military forces around the world, the AL Protester's Power Beret combines both French fashion sense with the militant power of the Green Beret's. No self respecting n00b crusher leaves the house without it. This pretty little piece of cloth is nothing more than a fashion statement as most n00b's will fall at the first sight of your unparalleled fashion sense.


The n00b Slayer 2008 (nS-2008)

[Image: FS1P%20Flyswatters%20all%20colours.jpg]

While any n00b pwn'er worth his salt would surely already have one of these, n00b pwn'ing Industries has re-released their best selling line of n00b crushing weapons in all the colors of the rainbow. Due to the large rise in n00b pwner's, n00b Pwning Industries has received multiple requests for variation in their product. These new colors should afford all you fashion conscious hosp'ers the ability to step out of the box and into your own special world of n00b pwnership!


All orders can be placed directly to n00b Pwning Industries via this thread.

Best of luck on all your n00b pwning ventures!

- shadowinc - 2008.Aug.19 12:50 PM

lol lol lol lol

- grabtindy - 2008.Aug.19 12:51 PM

Can I get that n00b slayer in rainbow? I'd pay up to $3.6mil for such a unique item.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Aug.19 12:51 PM

You'd probably just slay yourself, Grabtindy. Or use it inappropriately.

- grabtindy - 2008.Aug.19 12:53 PM

Careful who you call a n00b Tommi. I may not able to dedicate 18 hours of my day to a game, but I've certainly been playing a lot longer than you.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Aug.19 12:54 PM

And you still suck a lot for how long you've been playing, even with a belt on. Wink

- grabtindy - 2008.Aug.19 12:55 PM

Don't be upset that they don't make a belt in your size. Maybe you can win a unique 54" Febiani next contest.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Aug.19 12:56 PM

That'd be sweet. I'd be able to stomp you even more, then. lol

- ArtVandelay - 2008.Aug.19 01:26 PM

Do you have any lease specials?

I have good credit.

- grabtindy - 2008.Aug.19 01:27 PM

BTW, not a fan of the new noob slayer, the original model was right up my [alley].