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AL Proposal - Vote! - Printable Version

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AL Proposal - Vote! - ZeonOne - 2008.Nov.03 09:22 AM

Goals are:
1) Stop random hospitalization or other mean that might destroy the game
2) Prevent the possibilities of having a player fed jailed
3) Relief the admin of reading hundreds of complain emails a day.
4) Contribute a positive community effort to make a decision with the admin
5) Having the correct information to be pass around without the Admin explaining it to the community. Therefore, it will lessen the public outcry.

Quick Summary:

This idea is base on the current United Nation theory. It is fair to say that the United Nation has been quite successful.

We select have 5 gangs, each gang select 1 person to represent their gang.
The decision will be made by vote from the 5 representatives. It has to be 4 out of 5 votes to pass.
If it get out of hand, Zenith can Veto it.

Unlike the UN, instead of asking their individual gang to hospitalize the problem player, we will fine them.
If the problem player can't pay the fine, they can't attack until it is paid in full. That way, they are force to do crime and play the game the right way.
To be fair, this fine money will be given back to the game.

Plan: Project Gang Assembly Trial Run

Purpose: Creating a self-govern body in AL, this will relief the admins the time and stress by easing out an extreme hostile environment in AL, such as hospitalizing low level player for no reason at all. In return, the admins have more time to focus on the game development.

Plan: A group of gangs will be given a task to look after AL. This group will have FIVE persons. Each person will be selected from one of the FIVE different gangs. The decision to select this particular person will be given to each respective gang's member.

In a set amount of time, either a week or a month, this group can vote to cast away trouble maker that does not intend to play the game. How can they cast them away? There would be a fine system. Those who are deemed guilty will be fine by a set amount.

These fine will be given back to the game. Not the board.
First Offense: 200k
Second Offense: 500k
Third Offense: 1 Million

Here is the catch. If they cannot pay this fine, they will have their attack privilege suspended until this fine has been paid in full. In another word, they cannot attack any player during this period.

To have a balance check to this system, Zenith can always veto the final result. These five gangs can be selected by Zenith or by forum vote for every quarter.

This will stop some bad behavior from happening in the future without changing the game mechanic.

Project Progress: Currently, this plan is under finalization. It needs the popular vote to enact this plan. The admin has no problem for a plan that can bring order and stability into AL.

There are something that need to be done. These recent even is getting out of hand.

We should definitely give this plan a shot for a month or two. If it does not work, we can remove it. Never hurt to try.

Example of how it works:

These are random players to show how this could work.

Ush, Pun, Weebay, Phisheva, and SG are the Five selected board members.

They got many complain regarding to Grabtinty's random hospitalization. With a ratio of 75% or 4 votes, they have decided that he's crossing the line.

First, they gave Grabtinty a warning.

====Phase I=====
For the next couple days, he ignore the warning and he continues the attack.

Grabtinty got fine 200k. (He would most likely stop the random hospitalization)

====Phase II=====
If he didn't stop his attack, another vote will be cast. With a ratio of 75% or 4 votes, they have decided to fine him again.

Grabtinty got fined another 400k. (Since he didn't do much crime, he can't pay for it. Therefore, he can't attack for the time being.)

====Phase III=====
If he continues with his attack after he paid his fine, this process will continue as necessary.

Eventually, he will learn to play the right way, or he quit the game with his own choice.

- DebbiePinson - 2008.Nov.03 09:28 AM

I like the idea of taking the proverbial monkey off the back of Admin for game related problems, but giving power to regular players in the game is not a good idea. It becomes a popularity contest at that point and would cause more trouble than good.

- Rafallol - 2008.Nov.03 09:31 AM


- Moriarty - 2008.Nov.03 09:33 AM

in principal you are talking about in game moderators. The fact that they are there would possibly make them targets themselves. In principal its a decent enough idea. I just could never see this working in practice. Plus your fines are way too high and you give too many chances.

Anything to take away problems from admin that could be implemented would get the green light from me.

- emocakes - 2008.Nov.03 09:34 AM

who gets the money? and i wouldnt like some players to have another chip on their shoulder for no reason

- Dingus - 2008.Nov.03 09:39 AM

JohnRambo told me that he and a few others were sanctioned by Zen to provide these services. Think he said he was a member of the Noob!

- ZeonOne - 2008.Nov.03 09:39 AM

There must be a miss-understanding.

It is not a popularity contest. Not everyone can get access to this. Each of the 5 gang's selected member will make the decision. They will discuss among themselves.

The final decision will be made by 5 gang. Every gang share a different view.

For Xpat, SV, Vahalla, and Dissidence all share the same view is not easy.

This will give a chance for the community to fix the problem before it gets to the admins hand.

Remember, The Admin can always veto it.

For example, those who don't play the game, they will have to crime and play in order to pay back the fine.

Eventually, they will learn their way. Or, they can quit playing due to the lack of attack.

If they donate to pay, at one point, they will see that the amount will be too much. In the end, they will goes the same way. Either they learn their way. Or, they can quit playing.

- emocakes - 2008.Nov.03 09:42 AM

i still dont like the whole idea of being limited on how you wish to play the game

- TheMace - 2008.Nov.03 09:43 AM

emocakes Wrote:i still dont like the whole idea of being limited on how you wish to play the game

i think i agree with crunchy.

who would choose the 5 gangs?

- Batman - 2008.Nov.03 09:45 AM

"Creating a self-govern body in AL,".....
no no no no no ....
i think we not need a govern here...we have two gods...that enough...this is a online politics here...
Thanks Smile