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Thanks Zen - Printable Version

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Thanks Zen - Mock8800 - 2008.Jul.07 08:43 AM

Probably working overtime with the forum attack, updates, and all the jazz so I figured I'd say thanks for all he hard work.

- Moriarty - 2008.Jul.07 08:58 AM

Has she blocked your mail again?

- jockpaul - 2008.Jul.07 10:11 AM

Posted: 07 Jul 2008 07:58


Has she blocked your mail again

thats to funn kudos :shock: Twisted

- Mock8800 - 2008.Jul.07 11:00 AM

lol no I figured some other people would thank her to. you know to show our appreciation of her hard work.

- CrazyFoley - 2008.Jul.07 11:03 AM

Allready did

- chance - 2008.Jul.07 12:53 PM

thatthingufear Wrote:Allready did

Each and everytime I hit the donate button I figure it is a big thank you.

- mudpies - 2008.Jul.07 04:13 PM

Eat this memory stick, for it is her body. Drink this server coolant, for it is her blood. Give thanks to your Zen.

- BlackJeep - 2008.Jul.08 12:00 PM

Zen, I appreciate all your hard work and effort with this game. You do a fantastic job. Thank you.