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Gangs - biffbaffboff - 2008.Jun.03 08:40 AM

I just wanna have a moan here.

Here is how i see things.Everyday i train and improve my stats,i can donate for better endurance and each and everyday i can see the benefits.If i didnt donate i could crime and buy credits through using my ap for criming.

Alot has been made recently about gangs no longer wanting to war.. and you know what, i can see their point of view.Once you have achieved a great hideout, all the ap plowed into it, what does it actually serve.Does it serve as status? or is it just a nice comfortable place to stay?.I tell you if its the latter thats absolute drek as the sauna and sun terrace dont actually add any happiness refresh.The nice paintings on the wall do nothing to increase your happiness refresh.Hell even the King sized beds dont give you a better rest,nor do they increase the energy refresh rate for you.

So what exactly is a gang hideout for?What benefits does it serve in my quest to daily better myself?Why should i use 500 ap daily to better a place that does absolutely nothing for me in return.

Something needs to be done.Perhaps some kind of "humanity" for the hideout.Yea yea i know , but you see what i mean?

- LikeWhoa - 2008.Jun.03 08:45 AM

i've had the same thought when i joined pestilence back in the day.
i dont see the point in warring when i can make money.

- biffbaffboff - 2008.Jun.03 09:01 AM

We were declared on earlier and won the war.However we used 75 attacks in total.Average ap's for those involved around 6 per attack.So thats 300 ap for that win.Now if they were steal a sports car crimes thats almost 14 @ $800 per car.

$800x14 = $11200. Factor into that around $5000 in stims and 2 nimbus's that i know players used = another $4000.

Total spend $20200.
Total attacks by myself in pvp was 7 making a spend of 154 energy. Or around 200 dev points.

If the gang bought credits with the $20200 would have roped in around 90. Given to one of our players with low endurance this would have made a big difference to them.Bearing in mind this is 1 war for 16 gang points.What did the gang give any of us who participated? NOTHING.

The idea that gang war's actually are worth doing seems even more bizarre when you actually work it out.

- Marlo - 2008.Jun.03 09:22 AM

While I greatly appreciate the efforts put forth by all members of the gang early this morning I do hope that the comfort of back up from loyal and willing gang mates is enough compensation for your efforts in war.

Along the lines of a hideouts worth, I greatly agree. A hustle is mandatory to up your hideout to something respectable. BY hustle I do not mean a week of steady war, but months upon months of steady war, each war giving you a minuscule amount of GP's towards the next upgrade.

A Hideout gym, or hideout training days have been proposed in the past, and I think things along those lines would greatly motivate people to join a gang that will help them grow as a player. This is a game of Gang Warfare, shouldn't players want to be in a gang?

- w00k - 2008.Jun.03 09:32 AM

You need to go for Gang Combat Bonuses if you're content with your hideout, you'd be amazed the impossible feats that they will help you overcome. Trust me, I hit against them all the time.

- Loki - 2008.Jun.03 09:33 AM

GCB, protection and backup -- all powerful enough imo.

How about throwing a bone to the rogue players? Where are our higher AP crimes?

- biffbaffboff - 2008.Jun.03 09:38 AM

I love being in a gang.My point is that is the warring worth it.I will continue to war 100% and never shirk gang responsibility.My point is that broken down the ends i.e upgrades dont justify the means.

Im thinking of a kind of fresh start humanity wise (although i know innanimate objects cannot have humanity).Perhaps along the lines that if 70% of you gang log in everyday then your gang gets 0.01 point of ...lets call it... gang credibility.
Every 10000 gang points won AFTER the implementation is = to 0.1 gang credibility.

1 gang credibility can be used to one of these.
1) +1 player energy refresh.
2) +1 player action point refresh.
3) +3 player happiness refresh.

It may take 3 months to get 1 gang credibility point but it would be well worth the effort.

- JakeBlues - 2008.Jun.03 09:39 AM

Trust me, quite powerful.

- ZeonOne - 2008.Jun.03 09:40 AM

For the benefit of the doubt, gangs do provide some type of benefits, such as Gang Backup, Gang Protection, and PvP attack bonus. However, these benefits cost a great deal of GP. And, warring for these GP cost a player's energy Dev Pts, Potential Income (AP), and Money.

Is this worth the sacrifices? I personally don't think so. I second johnrambo that something should be add to the Gang. Otherwise, I would see more and more gangs will turn their focus from Gang War to something more beneficial for the gang members.

- CrazyFoley - 2008.Jun.03 09:45 AM

The ocassional war makes things interesting. If all you do is crimes then the game get boring, but if you log on and you are in a war, it adds a little spice.