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Unwritten rules of attacking? - Printable Version

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Unwritten rules of attacking? - Druchii - 2006.Sep.24 01:51 AM

Im attacking people for XP, i try to stay away from attacking people in gangs. But yesterday i sent all level 7 8 and 9 without gangs into hospital and all of them were either in hospital or in critical or serious health.

but i wasnt done attacking, so i attacked a few gangs members for xp.

the thing i wanna know, wheres the limit of attacks? im not attacking to piss people off, i merely play hard to level up and to get ahead of the main herd of people. i only attack people that are offline, and im fine with people attacking me while im offline to get XP, unless if their attacking 100times a day.

- LuparKoor - 2006.Sep.24 01:56 AM

As long as they aren't online, then they are fair game.. If they take offense to being attacked, then they are stupid and need to grow up.

The higher you get in levels, the harder it will be for you to find people your level to attack who aren't in gangs.

- Druchii - 2006.Sep.24 01:59 AM

yeah im working to get my t-350 to function, and once i do ill pretty much start attacking higher levelled people to level up faster

- fading3 - 2006.Sep.24 02:24 AM

yeah,i face the same problem.
i am lvl 9 and looking for some guy whose lvl rnanges from 9-11.
but i find that almost all ppl over 10 has a gang.
so shall i attack them if they r offline?

- LuparKoor - 2006.Sep.24 02:27 AM

yeah, go ahead. Occassionally I have to get on my theafers for taking offense to being attacked for exp, but they'll get over it, and as long as you are walking away and not mugging, then we won't take offense.

- fading3 - 2006.Sep.24 03:24 AM

good,then i think i could test my new weapon~!
my Broyles Inc. Combat Axe & Defiance T-350 Shotgun!

- LuparKoor - 2006.Sep.24 03:31 AM

you're a level 9 with a 350?

- fading3 - 2006.Sep.24 04:44 AM

am i not supposed to have? Smile

- 666666 - 2006.Sep.24 05:14 AM

ever heard of CASANOVA?

Thats when to stop

- fading3 - 2006.Sep.24 05:58 AM

i know he is top one
but i dont catch what u mean
when to stop?