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Gains from fighting - Printable Version

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Gains from fighting - Druchii - 2006.Sep.23 04:20 AM

it would be neat to gain some skills from fighting, like Res, Endurance, Str...

- noblebandit - 2006.Sep.23 05:01 AM

yeh! i agree! fighting should be a good source of developing ones skills (even if it gains lower than the gym) not only experience

- Druchii - 2006.Sep.23 05:07 AM

maybe you get an increase in the skills needed to wield the weapon, + increase in the skills needed to use the armor

- matt5250 - 2006.Sep.23 10:50 AM

This is one of the best idea's i've read in the forums in a long time. It's just so logical, of course you would get better agility or dexterity or any of the battle stats by fighting. I agree It shouldnt be too high though, otherwise the hospital will always have like 25 people in it. maybe 10% of what you gain at the gym in a couple stats.

- zenith - 2006.Sep.23 10:53 AM

It's a good idea, but isn't that what experience points are for?

- Druchii - 2006.Sep.23 11:05 AM

well i couldnt skill gaining be based on the xp you get

like 39xp = 0.039% of gym gain, higher xp means better opponent, and could help out making people attack better opponents.

and there could be other multiplying factors, like battle duration (the shorter battle would give a higher multiplier), critical hits, number of consecutive evations (to give dex a boost)

etc etc

- matt5250 - 2006.Sep.23 12:02 PM

.039% is nothing though. I get ~21 from a full train at the gym. .039% of that is about .01 developement points. thats just not even worth the time and effort it would be to implement.

- Druchii - 2006.Sep.23 03:09 PM

from 39xp it is, imagine when youre level 50 and get 300xp for killing a level 30, or 400 for killing a level 40.

im just thinking of it long term

and once you start to get a bigger house that little percentage will get bigger, plus bigger endurance gives bigger gain and donation days add more gain on that percentage

could tho, however a variable on 0.0XX+/- , determined by player level