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People who whine about offline hits - Printable Version

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People who whine about offline hits - grabtindy - 2008.May.02 09:28 AM

Why do you even play this game? If you can't handle being farmed for a little EXP when you've been offline for hours, then go play chutes and ladders or something. There should be a special option beyond brutalize for arses like this.

- DirkDanja - 2008.May.02 09:32 AM


- abysmalpoptart - 2008.May.02 10:01 AM

losing 1 or 2 exp is just too much for my taste. i'd rather attack someone and lose. taste my whine

edit: i find your comments, and this thread, offensive

- grabtindy - 2008.May.02 10:06 AM

Your whine is sour and your humor is stale.

- abysmalpoptart - 2008.May.02 10:09 AM

that is not very nice. please dont hit me offline, because it takes away from the game. also, that was not very nice of you to say. i must say, i am offended

- Howl - 2008.May.02 10:22 AM

I dont understand that myself. Its not like you get delvled like in some games and it just makes you want to het them more.

- grabtindy - 2008.May.02 10:25 AM

Howlsong Wrote:it just makes you want to het them more.


- abysmalpoptart - 2008.May.02 10:27 AM

i love hetting people. it's my pastime.

- alinutza - 2008.May.02 10:29 AM

abysmalpoptart Wrote:please dont hit me offline,

you'll not be hit online or offline, because poparts are worth nothing at his moment. sorry!

- abysmalpoptart - 2008.May.02 11:25 AM

poptarts are actually quite valuable. if you'd been paying attention to the dollar values, the higher end poptarts are actually on par with a nimbus