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when someone attacks u and loses - Printable Version

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when someone attacks u and loses - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Jan.06 11:51 PM

i REALLY like the fact that you dont lose as much EXP anymore, but does the exp gained for the victor have to be reduced? i find that somewhat depressing!!!

occasionally people who EXP farm me lose, and im only gaining 100 exp for it now.. even though i would NEVER attack them. blah!!!

i would personally like to see the exp for the defending victor to go back to its normal EXP, altho i also support having the loser's exp reduced. Biggrin

- chumstain - 2008.Jan.07 10:52 AM

i agree with this

- Rafallol - 2008.Jan.07 12:56 PM

i think that attacker should lose less exp only if he atttacks someone stronger that him if he lose to someone weaker he should lose full exp and target should gain full exp

- abysmalpoptart - 2008.Jan.07 10:33 PM

thats a valid point. i still think that the defender should receive full exp no matter what - if a weak person attacked you before, you wouldnt get huge amounts - but thats still a good idea rafal

- Loki - 2008.Jan.10 10:37 AM

yeah, I miss racking up 600+ exp when certain people get frisky.

exp for successful defense should at least be = to the exp you'd get for attacking that player and winning.

- abysmalpoptart - 2008.Jan.10 11:18 AM

i agree. when someone attacks you and wins, do you lose the same amount of exp that they gain? no. you lose like 5 exp and they gain 50-450 depending on the players' levels (i guess 5-10 if youre like level 5.. Razz )

so why should the numbers be equal if you successfully defend?

- Rafallol - 2008.Jan.10 12:59 PM

I dont agree Its incurage weaker players to attack stronger one with is good
and prevent potential abuse of system like players attack you to lose and give you lots exp