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Suggestion for new items- Explosives (Gang War only items) - Printable Version

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Suggestion for new items- Explosives (Gang War only items) - BlitzKrieg - 2007.Dec.01 05:00 PM

I'd like to see one use explosives that could be used in Gang wars. There could be Molotov cocktails, dynamite, C4, Shaped door buster charges, HEAT missiles, and maybe even tactical thermonuclear devices?? (as a power progression)

You'd have to buy them like stimm packs., One use items only. These items would cost a BUNCH to get (100K or more for the weakest ones) but would do anywhere from 100-500 points of damage a pop in a gang war.

Would be a great leveler in gang wars. If you are outnumbered and jumped, you could have a few of these stored up to even out the battle a little OR the more evil of our members could use them to terrorize gangs with short, brutal assaults.

This might also do away with 4-5 day wars if they could be used by gangs stuck in such a protracted war.

The prohibitive cost would leave most wars in the conventional way but it would make attacking that gang with only one online member more of a risky proposition.

- filthymick - 2007.Dec.01 05:17 PM

droppin bombs on balazaar!!

Bombs - Weebay - 2007.Dec.01 06:10 PM

Im all about it, I think it needs to be tried out.

- filthymick - 2007.Dec.01 07:39 PM

i need a bomb right now actually

- Marlo - 2007.Dec.02 10:26 AM

That's a really good idea !!!

...really...not a bad idea...

- BlitzKrieg - 2007.Dec.02 04:16 PM

So, to the slack a$$es who have said no, any particular reasons for no or just to be contrary?

- TheGeek - 2007.Dec.04 08:14 PM

Any system that acts as an "equalizer" that can be abused via donations is, infact, not an equalizer at all. The concept is nice, but imo its a bad idea.