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51,321 - Printable Version

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51,321 - delpot - 2008.Feb.15 12:01 AM

by my watch that was the total count...
Quote:Sender : MalnourishedDog [3595]
Date : 14 February 08 @ 1:08:43 pm
Subject : This is a mass mail from your gang

Heart Meter Contest: Ok, so I have been keeping track of the Heart Meter since early this morning. The average is about 2500 per hour. at 1:00 server time the heart meter was at 23825. According to my average, the heart meter will be at 51,325 at 12pm server time. There are usually more people on in the evenings, so you may want to take that into account. All guesses must be posted on the AL message board by 3:00. Good Luck!

off by 4. too bad that wasnt his submission Sad

- badmanbren - 2008.Feb.15 07:17 AM

That's gotta be a lie. He got it bang on. :roll: Well, near enough. He never posted anyway, so tough shizza.

- nbsvtvt - 2008.Feb.15 07:53 AM

I posted a different guess than the one I sent to my gang. I thought there would be a spike of activity in the evening. I should have known that there is no spike, you animals play this game all freakin' day.