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Job Points ? - Printable Version

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Job Points ? - googooflexy - 2007.Sep.12 07:50 AM

I noticed when I am working (Currently level 3) that I earn more job points per hour during normal hours worked then level 1 and 2, but my overtime hours seem to yield me the same as level 1 and 2....I was wondering if this was how it should be or if overtime hours should yield more points as we progress in levels as well?

- Thor - 2007.Sep.12 08:50 AM

Some1 posted somewhere that he got 8 or 9 points in OT but I can't find it.

Anyway, yes, you make more points for every level you gain in a job but since it's random, it's possible you won't see it for a few days.

- googooflexy - 2007.Sep.12 12:57 PM

I was making 8 or 9 points per overtime when I was level 1...I havent seen any base increase in it as I gained job levels, just wondering

- Punisher - 2007.Sep.12 01:00 PM

the most i have gotten for working my job is 10pts for one hour of overtime and that was at level 2-3 not 3-4 where i am now

- Timmons - 2007.Sep.12 01:06 PM

the most iv ever got is like 6 or 7 and thats rare i got 2 overtimes at one point today :cry:

- badmanbren - 2007.Sep.12 01:39 PM

Yer I sometimes get an 8 and 9 in OT and normal time.