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Humanity idea - Printable Version

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Humanity idea - derek2752 - 2007.Sep.03 07:52 PM

I had an idea to help activity

ok so you get 0.1 for a level up
and you get 0.01 per day you log in

how about one more step added in there:
0.001 for each hour you log in (or whatever zenith decides is a fair #)

so if you are able to log in 20 hours in one day, you'd get 0.01+(20*0.001)=0.03 that day
or if you can only log in 5 hours a day, then you get 0.01+(5*0.001)=0.015 that day, etc

This should increase activity and make people happy Smile

- Thor - 2007.Sep.03 08:10 PM

I like the idea but I'm afraid we'll see a lot of nays on this as there is alot of people that still want/think that the game should be even between those who plays 16 hours a day and those who only logs in 1-2 times for the same period...

- Leopard - 2007.Sep.03 08:12 PM

Activity should definitely have humanity advantages other than when reaching levels and a daily rate.

- mudpies - 2007.Sep.03 09:04 PM

i agree, a light bonus for activity would be nice. I'm talking very light bonus.

- badmanbren - 2007.Sep.04 05:29 AM

I like it... although you could of brought this up towards the start of my summer holiday rather then end, hehe. Wink

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Sep.04 01:31 PM

yeah i like this idea as well

- McCule - 2007.Sep.04 10:45 PM

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat idear.

- valleroy86 - 2007.Sep.04 11:02 PM

Im not too fond of it. I'm active. But still I think the way it is now if fine. I really don't see a problem with it. Don't get cyborgs, ya won't have that problem. Biggrin

- Punisher - 2007.Sep.05 06:48 AM

I like the idea, another way to reward super active members Smile

- killer1994 - 2007.Sep.05 06:57 AM

like me Smile