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Thinking about switching to submachine gun - Printable Version

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Thinking about switching to submachine gun - filthymick - 2018.Aug.25 03:03 PM

Looking for feedback from anyone who might use them

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - TealJade - 2018.Aug.25 06:36 PM

The only one I knew who used one was Mace though I am sure there are others. My input would just be this, to use the top one you will still need to have your skill at 7.

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - filthymick - 2018.Aug.25 07:14 PM

It's just that as a shotgun user I feel I'm not utilizing my 100+ dex to it's potential. And my str is only in the upper 50s

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - TealJade - 2018.Aug.25 08:02 PM

Understood. Just thought I would mention it since I did switch some time back. So I spent a lot of time on skills I don't use.

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - filthymick - 2018.Aug.25 08:15 PM

Same here

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - UNKAGED - 2018.Aug.26 12:01 AM

I like sub_guns was of going to skill for it but couldn't be bothered but the thought of using the top sub_gun was tantalising to say the least even had throughts of going rifle gun sounds cool but its like to much effort now and my motavtion isn't as high as it use to be for this game. Not even really thrilled to get other stats on poi I'm just fucking around now Just gives me time to waste more time not even going to put my endurance higher happy were it is and I can still do two more courses to get 2000 points of intelligence which I'm slowly working on on the odd occasions. But I think going to sub_guns would be good to many of the same weapon users rifle or sub_guns are the way to go now.

But that just my opinion it your call in the end.

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - Zoidberg - 2018.Aug.28 07:02 AM

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - johnsonhalo76 - 2018.Aug.28 12:57 PM

I'll buy your shotty if you do switch

RE: Thinking about switching to submachine gun - filthymick - 2018.Aug.28 01:04 PM

I don't own it. You'd have to talk to mac