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I'm impressed - Printable Version

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I'm impressed - filthymick - 2016.Mar.25 01:56 AM

I've waited all day and no ones made any mention of the little cipher note


I will start contacting previous winners this weekend and start getting caught up. -cipher

Usually u so burst into an uproar in such situations.


RE: I'm impressed - UNKAGED - 2016.Mar.25 03:03 AM

(2016.Mar.25 01:56 AM)filthymick Wrote:  I've waited all day and no ones made any mention of the little cipher note


I will start contacting previous winners this weekend and start getting caught up. -cipher

Usually u so burst into an uproar in such situations.


hes said that before like a year or two ago.

RE: I'm impressed - backfromhell - 2016.Mar.25 07:39 AM

Because no one gives a rat arse anymore.

RE: I'm impressed - deathishere - 2016.Mar.25 06:49 PM

Has anyone been contacted?

RE: I'm impressed - S2pmarine - 2016.Mar.25 07:22 PM

I wouldn't get my hopes up but I wouldn't just shit on the possibility that it can happen either. If it doesn't happen, then that means that nothing has changed so it's not a big deal and if we do end up getting prizes then well, it'll be a nice surprise.

RE: I'm impressed - UNKAGED - 2016.Mar.25 08:29 PM

(2016.Mar.25 07:22 PM)S2pmarine Wrote:  I wouldn't get my hopes up but I wouldn't just shit on the possibility that it can happen either. If it doesn't happen, then that means that nothing has changed so it's not a big deal and if we do end up getting prizes then well, it'll be a nice surprise.


RE: I'm impressed - S2pmarine - 2016.Mar.26 02:39 PM

Any mails yet?

RE: I'm impressed - UNKAGED - 2016.Mar.26 06:23 PM

(2016.Mar.26 02:39 PM)S2pmarine Wrote:  Any mails yet?

wont be for awhile mate.. Rolleyes

RE: I'm impressed - S2pmarine - 2016.Mar.27 09:41 AM

I'd like to point out how that message is no longer there.

RE: I'm impressed - deathishere - 2016.Mar.27 06:29 PM

He said same thing at last year easter