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Fourth of July Contest - Printable Version

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Fourth of July Contest - cipher - 2013.Jul.03 10:56 PM

The contest begins July 4th at 12:00am server time and ends one second before July 5th server time. There will be overtime however if you manage to still be in the battleground area after July 4th.

The results of this contest will be published by July 6th.

  1. You can enter the battleground for free, but you cannot leave unless you are defeated in battle.
  2. Your hit points do not refresh in the battleground area.
  3. You can attack and be attacked at any health status, even if you only have one hp left.
  4. Teams are split between odd and even userids. If you are an even userid, you can only attack odd userids and vice versa.
  5. You can attack your own gang members just like any other opponent. You do not need to bail on your gang to do this.
  6. Gang combat bonus is not included in battleground attacks. Other gang bonuses are.
  7. All attacks in the battleground count, attacks outside the battleground are not counted in the contest.
  8. Everyone who loses in combat in the battle ground area is instantly placed in the hospital for 10 minutes with full hit points in Downtown Decatur.
  9. If you manage to be in the battleground area after July 4th, any attacks will still count until you are manually placed in Downtown Decatur by an admin. Consider this time OVERTIME, and you will still get credit for attacks.

  1. Players must defeat as many levels as they can. You get full credit for levels defeated as long as your opponent is 1/2 your level or higher. You get half credit for defeating players lower than half your level at the time of the attack. If your level is an odd number, round down. For example, a level 65 will get full credit for attacking a level 33, but only half credit for attacking someone level 20.
  2. The team with the most defeated levels is declared the winning team. The winning team will have one bonus day only they can benefit from on July 13th. Those on the winning team who did not participate in the contest will also not benefit. This means your userid must be in the attack logs as winning or losing when in the battleground area.

Remember, attacks done outside of the battleground do not count in the final standings.

  • There are no crimes available in the battleground area. If you are stuck there you must fight and lose to get out. There are no "I didn't read the rules so get me out" fixes.
  • There are no shops in the battleground area. Either find someone outside the district to send you food to heal your hit points, or bring enough on your own.
  • The winners will get bragging rights until the next odd/even match-up.
  • Look for easy pickings who are high level. This means players who are high level and have low hit points. If they cannot heal themselves, you can score some easy points.


Congratulations to the Odds for their victory this year!

The odds scored 21,090 points, while the evens scored 18,340.5 points.

On July 13th, all Odds who participated in the contest will receive double experience on all leave attacks, and will receive bonuses on skills and careers.

RE: Fourth of July Contest - filthymick - 2013.Jul.03 11:37 PM

i look forward to fuckin some of you up if ur odd and i catch u there lol. have fun bitches

RE: Fourth of July Contest - deadmanwalking - 2013.Jul.03 11:57 PM

I'm stoked. I really could use 5 more rep points. I am hoping to get into the top 50 before the game dies. I hope they don't give out any more unique stuff, if they do it would be nice if the Joint Chiefs could have our very own forum like the other gangs that all have the hordes of unique stuff. As far as I know they have only given out 2 uniques since I have been on. I guess that is 2 more than what I know of forums given out. FREE deadmanwalking


RE: Fourth of July Contest - jamiewhite - 2013.Jul.04 01:16 AM

4597 -X- tehpwnerer 56 7 Lost in combat to FilthyMick.


RE: Fourth of July Contest - TommiTheTaco - 2013.Jul.04 01:42 AM

Fuck your mother, cipher.

RE: Fourth of July Contest - Howl - 2013.Jul.04 01:50 AM

FM since ur so strong plz take me out my aps r full and i'd like to crime!

RE: Fourth of July Contest - filthymick - 2013.Jul.04 02:03 AM

lucky shot for me. he was in critical i only did like 96 damage Wink
just hit bender. or, if you can beat him do it unequipped, or let me try u unepquipped Ninja
for the record, this was a zerk...

Round 1
Howl hits FilthyMick for 325 damage. FilthyMick resists 20 for a total of 305 damage.
FilthyMick misses Howl!
Round 2
Howl hits FilthyMick for 2349 damage. FilthyMick resists 41 for a total of 2308 damage.
Howl defeated FilthyMick.
You got smoked by Howl.


RE: Fourth of July Contest - Maccleod - 2013.Jul.04 02:56 AM

(2013.Jul.04 01:50 AM)Howl Wrote:  FM since ur so strong plz take me out my aps r full and i'd like to crime!

I took care of that for you Wink

RE: Fourth of July Contest - deathishere - 2013.Jul.04 04:43 AM

Fuck contests make some updates for once. Like your meant to do.

RE: Fourth of July Contest - jamiewhite - 2013.Jul.04 06:01 AM

Wish the evens wasn't so lazy