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Stupid fightlogs - Printable Version

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Stupid fightlogs - gorgeousgeek - 2012.Mar.13 08:10 AM

Does anybody else feel its about time cipher got off his ass and sorted out the fight records, i mean hunter can beet me dispite me haveing over 15-20 stats on him wats worse predator can beet hunter and hes even further behind us both, another thing i think the zerks r completely screwed i can beat some people in a leave and then loose 2 the same person in a zerk,
Ive mailed cipher (months ago) and all he said was, "people with lower stats have a good chance of winning", well i feel thats bull and if so y bother training.
If anybody else is haveing problems like this please add 2 this and hopefully we can get a patition going that way cipher will have 2 do something rather than just ignore a non donator,

RE: Stupid fightlogs - spacebird - 2012.Mar.13 08:14 AM

you're not as strong as you think you are, gorgeous.

RE: Stupid fightlogs - CrazyFoley - 2012.Mar.13 08:24 AM

Your poll makes no sense, the fight logs and fight records don't change the fight itself. There are more than just your main stats that go into determing a winner. Read Acci's post in delpots thread.

RE: Stupid fightlogs - gorgeousgeek - 2012.Mar.13 08:35 AM

Yea u r right, attacking and defensive skills also count and quess wat i have higher attacking and deffensive skills than the person im onabout plus higher accuracy dexterity strength and resistence so how the fuck do i loose

RE: Stupid fightlogs - spacebird - 2012.Mar.13 08:37 AM

what is your gcr compared to with dark matter?

and what are your skills at...can you be sure that the opposing attacks are against people not using a belt or buffs?

you threads have absolutely no value when you are cherry picking fights and just merely guessing without taking a ton of variables into account.

and the word is 'lose'

RE: Stupid fightlogs - CrazyFoley - 2012.Mar.13 08:41 AM

Have you considered that he is lying to you about his stats? Or that you don't know your own.

RE: Stupid fightlogs - gorgeousgeek - 2012.Mar.13 08:42 AM

I no the guy in real life i have higher eveything than him,
Gcr,im sure his is higher but does that count for all fights or just gang battles.

RE: Stupid fightlogs - jamiewhite - 2012.Mar.13 10:44 AM

I'm better than you just quit geek

RE: Stupid fightlogs - gorgeousgeek - 2012.Mar.13 10:48 AM

Already have quit 2wce foool,
No u have shit stats but can somehow beet me altho u bitoff way more than u win

RE: Stupid fightlogs - Dingus - 2012.Mar.13 10:56 AM

I want to be deep inside all of you!