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Looking for Ares Ionized Bardiche - Printable Version

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Looking for Ares Ionized Bardiche - traumakush - 2011.May.16 12:50 PM

Ares Ionized Bardiche
Item Type Melee (Axe)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 19
Concealment Rating 2
Weight (kilograms) 8.0 kg
Standard Price $550,000
Trade-in Value $137,500
While the Broyles Inc Axes are known throughout AL as the standard for axe-like weapons, Ares enters the fray with a large pole-axe called the Bardiche. This 3-foot curved blade is attached at two points to a 5-foot shaft, making a extremely large axe-like weapon. Used mainly to cleave opponents through their armor due to the weapon's weight, it makes an awkward hideout weapon.

Item Requirements
Strength 25
Dexterity 23
Endurance 10

Looking to buy one of these..... ASAP.

Mail me in game with your prices, looking to close - make some cash bitches
Also for sale (upon purchasing of Ionized Bardiche) is a

Broyles Inc. Ionized Axe
Item Type Melee (Axe)
Legality Illegal
Availability Rating 0
Concealment Rating 2
Weight (kilograms) 5.0 kg
Standard Price $350,000
Trade-in Value $120,000
The Ionized Axe is a modification of the Electric Axe by Broyles Inc. Equipped with a negatively-charged stun sensor at the top of the blade, this weapon creates an additional shock effect when a successful hit is scored. The additional weight of the add-on increases the strength requirement to 20, while requiring similar dexterity as well.

Item Requirements
Strength 20
Dexterity 20

Looking for 250K.