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Complex Meth Lab blues - Printable Version

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Complex Meth Lab blues - FaceOwner - 2007.May.20 12:08 AM

over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

- Scorpious - 2007.May.20 12:09 AM

I do OK over 50% of the time. Bad thingis that 60% to 70% of my successes result in less than $500. Sad

- mudpies - 2007.May.20 12:20 AM

mine are usually around a grand. but there are some days where I just can't seem to get my batch right and my shack keeps exploding. I think my cat's addicted.

- ScottishArthur - 2007.May.20 07:08 AM

Im getting around 95% success in the complex meths? But as you said dude the amount you get is mostly Krap Sad

On average i 'd say i get around $600 as i get from $400 my attempts.

I put my success down to LVL 10 Inteligence and always do the complex meth on full happiness.!!!

BUT is it really worth the 22 acp's.??? when they could be used in better situations.? Like busting plp out jail and get gr8 exp points.?

I feel like giving up on this complex as when you see that $400 come up..Arrrrggggggggg.

- badmanbren - 2007.May.20 07:58 AM

Consider yourselves lucky I'm only doing the luxury and sports car, sports car can normally get you about $1200 but can be down to about $600 also, luxury gets you up to $850 but can be as low as $300 at times.

- kobalt - 2007.May.20 08:50 AM

i get the same $400-$1400 swing as well,

figet a 22 point crime least have a min of lease $700+, i seen the 16 point car crime give $600ish alredy, and for the points its and interesting turnout

- Moriarty - 2007.May.20 09:10 AM

From my experience of chatting to everyone who does meth lab they do have a significant flutuation but it only costs you 22 aps. Personal i steal 2 classic cars every turn and find i net between 600-1200, but costs me 32 apps, meth lab seems profitable if you can pull it off, however im guessing you can only ever average a certain amount of $$$ per ap points, i find that the higher the lvl i have and no. of ap points, the amount i get on crimes slightly reduces