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Jaysin... - TommiTheTaco - 2010.Apr.04 05:59 PM

Guess he wanted my thoughts, and he went into some detail. Don't know why I bothered to give him an ear...But I might as well, if I can give everyone else one.

FATAL1TY says:
all feeling aside... your honest opinion about me being fed'd over this?
Tom/Behemoth says:
What exactly do you want me to say?
I don't care about your being fed jailed.
Just wish I didn't have to know you're crooked.
FATAL1TY says:
i just want your opinion
im not crooked
i got fucked over
but thats not the issue
im fine in fed
Tom/Behemoth says:
You are crooked.
You and your multis.
FATAL1TY says:
i dont have multis
those were my gf and moms char
they let me use them
to try and talk to zen
you know me bro
besides our in game banter
we were cool
i just want your oinion on if you think me getting fed'd was right for me just owing cash
Tom/Behemoth says:
God, you look stupidly familiar.
You owing cash, then, apparently, refusing to pay it back after a while is crooked.
FATAL1TY says:
no i never refused
i just made a deal that day with zeon to pay 25k per day
woah mailed me and said its bs and wants me in fed
Tom/Behemoth says:
If that's true, then why didn't you show that to Zenith?
And why'd you even bother to expose yourself as multis is those weren't multis?
Why even bother?
You third partied Howl.
FATAL1TY says:
i came back online yesterday only to be in fed jail
i couldnt do anything
and zen wouldnt answer me and anytime i tried to talk she would just fed jail all my friends
its bs
Tom/Behemoth says:
Could of asked Howl to help.
Or me, if you could of got me believing you.
FATAL1TY says:
i didnt have a chance and still dont
zen wont even aknowledge a word i say
she fucked over qq and the other dude i owed money to
cuz now i cant pay them back
Tom/Behemoth says:
You fucked them over.
FATAL1TY says:
Tom/Behemoth says:
It's time to accept responsibility.
It isn't Zenith's fault you took out a dickload of loans.
FATAL1TY says:
the dude i had the 15mil house from i still had 2 weeks with his house so i owe him nothing yet
now he wont get paid back
Tom/Behemoth says:
You shouldn't be borrowing that kind of money in the first place...You're not the most active.
Nor the most liked.
FATAL1TY says:
yea but i have a very high credit limit
in which i planned on using very soon
yesterday infact
i started donating last week
i was working my debts off
ask Bezaleel or ACoop
they are squared
Tom/Behemoth says:
I guess I'll post this in the forums.
See what people have to say...
FATAL1TY says:
go ahead ill be lookin for it
also post the fact that zen broke her own rules by buying back my endurance to help me pay off loans
and now im in fed cuz she thinks i fucked her over?
and wont give me a reason why she feels i scammed her?

RE: Jaysin... - InPaceRequiscat - 2010.Apr.04 06:03 PM

Truth be told, he multied, I don't care from this point on. he is in fed, and staying there, and AL is better for it.

RE: Jaysin... - JakeBlues - 2010.Apr.04 06:06 PM

(2010.Apr.04 06:03 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote:  Truth be told, he multied, I don't care from this point on. he is in fed, and staying there, and AL is better for it.

Well said.

RE: Jaysin... - Duchbag69 - 2010.Apr.04 06:08 PM

ratting out the admin when she did you a favor with the endurance isnt going to help your case...

RE: Jaysin... - TommiTheTaco - 2010.Apr.04 06:10 PM

Tom/Behemoth says:
What're you wanting to happen...?
FATAL1TY says:
thats all bro
thanx for posting
Tom/Behemoth says:
FATAL1TY says:
i just want ppl to know my side
Tom/Behemoth says:
If I find reason to help you, I'll give it a run..
FATAL1TY says:
i was trying to make it right
Tom/Behemoth says:
But I'm not guaranteeing anything.
FATAL1TY says:
just dont wanna go out with ppl thinking i truely scammed them.
ask zeon... what me and him talked about yesterday
Tom/Behemoth says:
Sure seems that way...
FATAL1TY says:
this was all woah's doing
Tom/Behemoth says:
The guy with the house should, at least, get it back...
FATAL1TY says:
he should
and i talked to zen and asked her to help me out
i told her i fucked up and if i could redeem myself and she offered a few things
then all of a sudden im in fed
Tom/Behemoth says:
Yeah...She doesn't just suddenly put someone in fed, Jaysin.
You obviously did something.
FATAL1TY says:
i didnt tho
thats the issue
Tom/Behemoth says:
You did something.
FATAL1TY says:
i wish i did bro
you want gods truth
Tom/Behemoth says:
No...You did...
FATAL1TY says:
i owed qq 3.9 mil. and bez 3 mil
i had zen revert my end to pay back bez. i paid him back.
Tom/Behemoth says:
Your attitude earlier says you did something, 'cause most people who don't care know they did something...
FATAL1TY says:
i then owed qq 3.9
i offered zeon 25k per day to pay off qq and zeon agreed
then woah mailed me and said "fuck 25k a day i rather see you in fed jail"
then i went to my gf's moms for a party... came home and bam im in fed jail
inbetween all that i took a 15 mil loan from trainedheartnet and agreed to have it for 3 weeks and pay him back.
i planned on donating close to $300 or so to pay off my debt
thats all i know. and all i did
some of it may be wrong but its not against the rules
i dont wanna come back as much as i want an explanation for why i was fed'd
i deserve an answer from zen

The only thing I'm going to do is say that the housing needs to be returned to the proper guy...
And that the profits from the weapon should go to the other two.
I'm not going to try to get you out of fed...'cause you, frankly, don't deserve to get out of fed.
How you acted made you way worse than just some Triadboy.
FATAL1TY says:
the zombie axe still belongs to mcleod
the money and axe and all the things i have done in the last 2 weeks are way more complicated than what zen can ever imagine
but i was trying to fix it
Tom/Behemoth says:
Tell me.
Where'd you send the money?
FATAL1TY says:
if she sells that axe then she has to add more ppl to the list of needing paid back
Tom/Behemoth says:
The housing money...
FATAL1TY says:
i used the cash for energy refreshes to level
Tom/Behemoth says:
And I'll make a note that the axe will go to McCleod..
And you're fucking stupid...
FATAL1TY says:
Tom/Behemoth says:
You used money....
From someone else's housing fund...
For something other than housing...
You're fucking stupid.
FATAL1TY says:
that i planned on donating to pay back
Tom/Behemoth says:
That doesn't matter.
That's bullshit.
FATAL1TY says:
its not bullshit
Tom/Behemoth says:
You get killed for shit like that in real life.
FATAL1TY says:
Tom/Behemoth says:
Your life gets ruined for shit like that in real life.
FATAL1TY says:
yea i guess
Tom/Behemoth says:
You borrow money for a reason.
FATAL1TY says:
but its not real life
Tom/Behemoth says:
You use it for that fucking reason.
Not for some jackhole agenda you've devised.
FATAL1TY says:
you know tommi
your right
Tom/Behemoth says:
Do you still plan on paying back your debts?
FATAL1TY says:
but thats why i mailed zen and asked her for help
and yes i would pay back my debts if i could
Tom/Behemoth says:
Are you really going to donate so much money TODAY to half-assed pay back those one guys?
FATAL1TY says:
i could yes
Tom/Behemoth says:
Are you?
I don't want 'I could.'
FATAL1TY says:
but i cant from fed
Tom/Behemoth says:
Are you?
FATAL1TY says:
i cant from where im sitting
Tom/Behemoth says:
Which is why I'm going to try and get you out....
At least for a little while...
FATAL1TY says:
if not in fed yea..... thos the 15 mil isnt owed back for 2 more weeks
Tom/Behemoth says:
Yeah...I can't help you with that.
I can't get you out for that much time...
FATAL1TY says:
yea well here is the thing
Tom/Behemoth says:
i can't even guarantee I can get you out...
FATAL1TY says:
im not gonna drop that much real cash to a game when i cant garuntee i wont go right back in fed when i get out
Tom/Behemoth says:
You've done wrong...
FATAL1TY says:
the whole situation got treated poorly
Tom/Behemoth says:
You expect to get off scott free?
FATAL1TY says:
im not
i paid the ultimate price
death of my character
Tom/Behemoth says:
Then, if you can promise me that you'll donate and pay those guys back when you get out of fed....
Then, I can try and talk Zenith into letting you out of fed jail early to pay back the other...
FATAL1TY says:
if i get out of fed and get the axe back i can fix things
no problem
Tom/Behemoth says:
The axe back?
FATAL1TY says:
which is why i dont understand why i was fed'd
Tom/Behemoth says:
As the thread I made said, he wants an answer, but I don't care if you give him an answer or not...I, along with everyone else, don't like the fact that he found himself under different accounts to do his talking(Mainly shit talking), but no one deserves to get robbed...
I'm trying to devise some sort of plan of action...The current plan is that I talk you into letting him out of fed long enough for him to donate and you give the $300 worth of credits
That's what I've got so far...
I don't know what you're thinking...
Give me a layout of what you're thinking.
The plan steps...
First, get out of fed...
What's the second step?
FATAL1TY says:
well im not gonna donate all that cash just to go back to fed
i need to be cleared of all fed account
Tom/Behemoth says:
It's got to be that way...At least for a week or two...

RE: Jaysin... - mudpies - 2010.Apr.04 06:43 PM

Baby mama drama?

RE: Jaysin... - TommiTheTaco - 2010.Apr.04 06:45 PM

Drunken stupor, apparently...

RE: Jaysin... - bebopcrew420 - 2010.Apr.04 07:06 PM

(2010.Apr.03 09:58 PM)KillaKali Wrote:  btw there are way more multis than she will ever know.

(2010.Apr.03 09:57 PM)KillaKali Wrote:  you would think.... but then i guess you have to wonder why zen let me have all these multis and did all the things she did behind your backs against her better judgement? HMMMMM

He can't keep his story straight. Mailing you for help is his last ditch effort. Sorry jaysin, if you would have kept your mouth shut you might have had a case, but you hung yourself

RE: Jaysin... - Leopard - 2010.Apr.04 07:14 PM

He purchased borgs recently & did a bunch of energy refreshes to level too. If he was concerned about paying people back those are sure hard ways to show it. He deserves to stay in FED forever.

RE: Jaysin... - TommiTheTaco - 2010.Apr.04 07:23 PM

It really is hard to fight for someone with them having a severed arm in one hand and a hack saw in the other...

He didn't technically scam anyone. He made a stupid decision on the housing money, Zeon and him had an agreement to pay a certain amount every day that a certain crack sniffer stuck his two cents into, and I haven't a clue what kind of agreement he had with the other.

The only real way they're getting anything back is if he comes back around and works his ass off to pay them back...Otherwise, they should cut their losses and move on. Not something that is easy to do when $100+ real dollars is in play.