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Sarge!!! - Printable Version

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Sarge!!! - LordSkie - 2007.Mar.27 09:20 AM

2055 Theaf Eternal Koor 16 16 Got mugged by Sarge.

Sarge! That's not playing nice! Didn't you read rule 103; Camp policy on mugging?

I'll quote for you.

"Being part of Camp Awakenedlands means caring. Caring for the community, and for your fellow 'campers'. As such, despicable actions such as mugging ( :x ) are very much frowned upon Sad

Please refrain from such actions, as it may make the target very unhappy. :cry:

Sarge, as one of the founders of Camp Awakenedlands, it falls upon YOU to set the example. Don't be sad, turn that frown :cry: upside down! lol

- hawk187 - 2007.Mar.27 09:48 AM

He was conducting a training exercise to all new recruits on what not to do

- Nightrain - 2007.Mar.27 10:15 AM


IF Camp Awakenedlands or any of its founders are currently iin financial difficulties.
I am sure that we of Camp Peacefull will be more than happy to aid you during this time of need.

We understand that it is very difficult to change your old ways, If you like we will hold a vigil on your behalf our staff will dedicate themselves in watching over you and helping you so that you do not return to the Evil side.

A 24 hour hotline will also be put in place just call operators are standing by