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- Mock8800 - 2009.Jan.29 04:38 AM

Druchii Wrote:Bottom truth, people just love to be offended, so that they can play the part of the good guy. It's a way for people with low self respect or a poor self image to build it up, "Today I dealt with a e-bully that used a bad word"

Just get over yourselves. Everyone has a family that has been affected by everything. Suicide, cancer, holocaust, genocides etc We all can wave great sad stories.

Most of the people reacting to people using names that can be associated with Holocaust, are 2nd/3rd generation kids of survivors, I doubt you need a shrink to cope on a every day basis. And if there are any 60-90 year old survivors reading the forum, I really do think they can differ from a kid wanting to use a "cool" name and from the inhumane acts from 60 years ago.

I f'n hate the lynch mobs here, you start winding each other up. Seeing who can beat a little newcomer to a pulp to change his name.

So I am gonna read the entire thread and take the weak parts side, I hope you will enjoy the lynch mob better when you have resistance.

It's about honoring the dead. CrunchyBlack showed that he has no respect for them. Everyone was trying to show him that he needs to respect the dead. Their are some lines that should not be crossed. Crunchy simply went to far.

Most peolpe did react poorly to the situation. At least they reacted.

- shadowinc - 2009.Jan.29 05:38 AM

emocakes Wrote:^^ exactly buuddha. People dont understand that they are being played. It might be a stupid game but it sure is fun.

Now i've changed my name and if y'all give me a chance i can change the gang name. What dont you guys like?

i do not like pink fairies. i find it very offensive :roll:

- BrokenGlass - 2009.Jan.29 05:41 AM

Druchi, regarding your hosp..........I didn't mind because you don't matter......I guess you didn't know that me and Crunchy have had meaningful dialogue. I still didn't agree with his choice of name but he presented his points and I presented mine. We were both respectful and that was the end of it. We agreed that we disagree.

End of story

It appears that you have no position on either side of the issue at hand except to arbitrarily decide that your were going to defend someone that didn't ask for it. Looks like you need to get over YOURself......

- Pixelle - 2009.Jan.29 06:19 AM

hardasgranite Wrote:You are correct. I failed to mention that most of the folks here are intellegent and educated. I would say that the reference to the SS can be a lightning rod to those whose families were affected. Video games are something you are making choice to indulge in. Here it could be said that you are forced to swallow it whiether you like it or not. Much like a smoker who smokes on a bus and is then chased of by the nonsmokers.....Kind of a weak analogy......
Mock8800 Wrote:It's about honoring the dead. CrunchyBlack showed that he has no respect for them. Everyone was trying to show him that he needs to respect the dead. Their are some lines that should not be crossed. Crunchy simply went to far.

Most peolpe did react poorly to the situation. At least they reacted.
Well said, guys. I dont see anyone messing with suicide, cancer, erm... other painful/sensitive issues around here either... WTG lynch mob, lol.
No offense to our laid back crowd either trying to make light of this. Cookies? :oops:

shadowinc Wrote:i do not like pink fairies. i find it very offensive
LOL.... so glad i changed my color! Wink

- Conrad1103 - 2009.Jan.29 08:56 AM

buuddha Wrote:
hardasgranite Wrote:For those who deem the name inoffensive the Holocost is a distant memory that was brought up in history class or occasionally viewed on the history channel.

wrong. i know a lot about WWII and the nazis, one of my favorite topics. i dont find it offensive because its just a joke. he doesnt want to kill anybody or anything, just get a sic laugh. he doesnt believe in all that stuff, he just loves the shock value.

to the people who are offended, do you not watch stand up comedy? i have heard things on cable television that is 100 times more offensive then that name.

im not trying to defend this guy, im just saying that people are going overboard with this. if no one would have said anything, he would probably have changed his name to something else by now and it would be over with.

it wasnt the name that was the problem. it was the name, coupled with the gang description that was over the line.

- TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jan.29 09:01 AM

I don't take offense to much, especially if it doesn't pertain to me..HINT HINT.

- randomjacker - 2009.Jan.29 09:55 AM

Druchii Wrote:Bottom truth, people just love to be offended, so that they can play the part of the good guy. It's a way for people with low self respect or a poor self image to build it up, "Today I dealt with a e-bully that used a bad word"

Just get over yourselves. Everyone has a family that has been affected by everything. Suicide, cancer, holocaust, genocides etc We all can wave great sad stories.

Most of the people reacting to people using names that can be associated with Holocaust, are 2nd/3rd generation kids of survivors, I doubt you need a shrink to cope on a every day basis. And if there are any 60-90 year old survivors reading the forum, I really do think they can differ from a kid wanting to use a "cool" name and from the inhumane acts from 60 years ago.

I f'n hate the lynch mobs here, you start winding each other up. Seeing who can beat a little newcomer to a pulp to change his name.

So I am gonna read the entire thread and take the weak parts side, I hope you will enjoy the lynch mob better when you have resistance.

And the only reason Druchii takes the weak side is so he has more people to hit... as he stated he doesn't care about the issue either way.. He just wants to hit someone...

I can relate! hmm maybe I'll hit druchii for not caring. lol lol :shock:

- delpot - 2009.Jan.29 10:37 AM

to be perfectly honest and forthcoming, i really only like having an excuse to hospitalize someone.

- stalker8929 - 2009.Jan.29 12:12 PM

funny, all round up over a name.i personally dont see the problem with it.whats up with the other gangster names?frank lucas ,al copone,they all killed people and held a negative reflection.and just like hitler went down in question is whats the difference?if he made the name to make people mad mission accomplished and he is getting his,but who are you to judge him?rather you hate on a group or a single person it is still hate.

- awesomo - 2009.Jan.29 12:51 PM

what is SS waffen ?