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Loki retired? - Printable Version

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- dombone76 - 2008.Sep.18 12:21 AM

awesomo Wrote:
ZeonOne Wrote:Yes, we should all donate 5 bucks for Loki to come back.
hhmm no

right!!! lol

frag outta here wit that lol

- TriadBoy - 2008.Sep.18 04:35 AM

well dont worry guys, iam not going anywhere. and i dont wish any of my enermys to leave either as its just a game and we are all here to have fun together. triadboy is here to stay Biggrin i love you.

- jiggaj - 2008.Sep.18 05:22 PM

well that is sad.


- Druchii - 2008.Sep.18 10:43 PM

Cleaned up, locked and on it's way to the archives.