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An Uncensored Forum - Printable Version

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- Ushanewnewba - 2008.May.02 08:58 PM

Are you over 18?

- Canosoup - 2008.May.02 09:01 PM

Yes, I'm 20

- Ushanewnewba - 2008.May.02 09:07 PM

You are 17.

- Canosoup - 2008.May.02 09:08 PM

And your 5, so what?
If need be I'll photocopy my drivers license and College ID.

- Ushanewnewba - 2008.May.02 09:08 PM

You are not invited to the uber mature forums.

- DirkDanja - 2008.May.02 09:09 PM

Ushanewnewba Wrote:That's you and your life. Not everyones. I think it would be beneficial to have an 18+ only crowd to get this to go through. Find an easy way to do that, and I bet we could get an unmoderated forum. Plus, if everyone cut back on the constant whining, we would probably get more things like this brought in.

im highly offended by that statement and this thread should be lock for over use of the number 18

- Canosoup - 2008.May.02 09:09 PM

Very well then, I see this discussion is going nowhere. Better Lock it.

- DirkDanja - 2008.May.02 09:10 PM

lock the darn thing already

- Canosoup - 2008.May.02 09:12 PM

The votes are in. Forum please!!