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Super Villains Farmed Gangs Aid Competition - Printable Version

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- Punisher - 2007.Dec.02 06:56 PM

dayute Wrote:So since we won the first one, Can we participate in the 2nd as long as we dont win? the rules...thanks

- Howl - 2007.Dec.02 07:01 PM

WTG 499ers!! Could have done without the lag tho... Sad

- cheetah - 2007.Dec.02 07:17 PM

dayute Wrote:So since we won the first one, Can we participate in the 2nd as long as we dont win?

Only if you wanna war us old school this time :wink:

JK, kind of, Congrats 499ers! Nice work!

- hunter52070 - 2007.Dec.02 07:22 PM

this was a blast ppl.

The military members of SV's had fun, we all came into work early to be a part of this and had command central set up!!!

It's fun to be able to do things like this and we tried like hell to at least take 1 gang out before all of you over ran us.

It is worth mentioning that I honestly think that 14 gangs on 1 is what caused some serious server issuses!!! that's awesome that you all got that many hits in on us in the first round of refreshes.

Grats to the 499ers!

- chance - 2007.Dec.02 07:58 PM

To al the gangs we warred at 6
you came to play and we took our licks
we are ready and doing fine
hope to see you all at 9....

420 vibes to the 499ers.....god job !

- cheetah - 2007.Dec.02 08:36 PM

Reservations for the second seating are still being taken. Please see your friendly SV Hostess for a table. 15 mins til last call.

- shadowinc - 2007.Dec.02 09:23 PM

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Sad Sad :cry: :cry: :cry: Sad Sad

maybe in anouther life i'll have a chance

- thawdgharp - 2007.Dec.02 09:35 PM

Its sucks I missed all the fun, but thanks for taking care of business without me, phans!

- NiteSlayer - 2007.Dec.02 09:58 PM

Good job SV it looks like you have your stuff together this time. Good luck to the rest that are still in it.

- Punisher - 2007.Dec.02 10:14 PM

ty...its still going on wooot