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Favorite Activity While AL is Down? - Printable Version

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- freeksta3798 - 2009.Jan.20 05:03 PM

i got 4 does and 1 buck this past season in central tx. allowed to get 4 turkeys, 2 bucks i believe and 5 does. or a total of 7 does and no bucks. thats with whitetail, not sure on mule deer. there are way to many does in this part of tx. some ranches here have whats called a MLD permit. they can hunt through the end of feb for does only and take as many as they need to keep the doe - buck ratio even. last yr 1 place shot over 200 does. none of the meat is wasted when they do that either, its givin away to people that actually need it around the community.

- lrrltt - 2009.Jan.20 05:36 PM

Venison is yummy Smile..but dam i have not gone hunting since i moved to Florida

- Aqualung451 - 2009.Jan.21 12:58 AM

is internet porn really more addicting the AL?

- BrokenGlass - 2009.Jan.21 06:20 AM

Aqualung451 Wrote:is internet porn really more addicting the AL?

Only as long as you don't bruise you hand while watching.......That negative reinforcement is a real turn-off