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Buying Gym Equipment for the Hide-out? - Printable Version

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- grabtindy - 2008.Feb.27 06:44 PM

Dayute for President.


- randomjacker - 2008.Feb.27 08:55 PM

badmanbren Wrote:I noticed a post of RJacker saying "gang members shouldn't get more then normal players" (on the issue at hand). I disagree that this would give gang members more, as none gang members will just spend the AP & EP that gang members use on other things, like crimes for example. Also, none gang members take the choice to go solo (Most atleast).

actually it said I am not so sure they should... that would mean give me a reason. or in I am not sure.

Also bren you have a very valid point about what we use our ER & AP on vs someone not in a gang. I can see where it translating into more benefits for gang members would be appropriate.

- Spamalopian - 2008.Feb.28 11:53 AM

Quote:The whole donate to be the best idea irks me. This is a game, you should have to play your way to the top, not buy your way. Any game implementations that encourage action over donations are good ideas in my book. I've already spent way more money on this game than I should have and I know I still have to drop another hundred in to reach lvl 20 endurance. Most of the recent game changes have made this game more expensive to play, it would be nice to have a game change that doesn't end up costing us more money.

Precisely. It ceases being a game and becomes a microcosm of corporate america/media - he who has the most $ has the biggest voice. Isn't it those aspects of "real life" that people play games in order to escape?

Quote:Troble we have here is there are currently too many gangs with players who arent very active / inactive.Whats more most new players are not looked after when the sign up.Most stay and hour maybe? maybe less? only 1 in 10 hang around until level 5 orso.Ill bet you this game has one of the highest sign up/never play in game history.We should combat this issue first before anything else.

How does this adversely affect those of us who are active?

Quote:if something like this idea was implemented and it costs gang points it would definitely give people more of a reason to join a gang and would give gang points and fighting for gang points more of a reason.

As it stands now, the only real thing I see GP useful for is beefing up a hideout? Ultimately, that has no real benefits for the individual players.

- Punisher - 2008.Feb.28 12:27 PM

Dont forget the gcb, which is helpful winning close battles. Smile

Many ideas on gang points usages and upgrades have been posted here and previously. I know zen reads them all and is working towards giving us some exciting changes to come. Making gang points worth earning and defending is definitely a must. We have given zen some ideas over the past few weeks about how to improve the whole gang war/points/system.

ie...gang gym-temp training bost, gang happiness, special gang district, special stores to spend gang points on gang only items, and others tied to a dual war system

I look forward to seeing how this whole system evolves, there is alot of potential to make this game even better and more addicting. lol

- thawdgharp - 2008.Feb.28 01:08 PM

"there is alot of potential to make this game even better and more addicting. Laughing"

perfect! just what i need, to waste more time!


- Weathers - 2008.Feb.28 01:51 PM

That's why I think something like a gym would be a good idea. Even if it'd cost some ridiculous amout of GP to boost up a player, it was none the less give people a reason to war. Don't get me wrong, this is a great game, but at the moment the main reason to war seems to be merely that we can...

- CrazyFoley - 2008.Mar.01 11:10 PM

Gang Member Attacks Damage Dealt AP Spent
And that is just a level 9 in about three days worth of warring, any level higher than that would spend more AP. A looner would be spending this AP on crimes. You also have to take into acount the amount of AP gang members spend busting each other out of jail. We dedicate alot to our gangs i think that if the gang is willing to spend the gp's then we should get the benifits.