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Who Dropped The Ball? - Printable Version

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- TommiTheTaco - 2009.Feb.28 12:47 AM

Oh well..I know better than the facade. I'll let the mask ride.

I'm tired..Goodnight, people.

- iceman2020 - 2009.Mar.01 05:24 AM

g2o2d4wp Wrote:power to 70 and beat them so it doesn't happen again
BBH probably has a pretty good combat schedule he'll share

Quite easy Razz

1. Make sure you have mobile
1a. Make sure you have plenty of targets on your enemy list
2. Tell your friends you're checking your e-mail...every 15 minutes
3. If single, set alarm every 1-1.5 hours at night when sleeping and have laptop (dimmed as much as possible!) by your side.

Your body eventually adjusts to the sleeping patterns, and the alarm no longer becomes necessary.

Guaranteed way to hit over 100 attacks per day without using a single credit refresh.

#2 is a savior.

- Punisher - 2009.Mar.01 08:22 AM

Bottom line here

1. I did what i did to further my character and its strength along with my gangs strength in this game. Not being able to reach a district where someone else can is not good for our gang. Paying exhorbitant prices hurts our crew most since most of us were capable of equiping the items.

2. Strategy
The extra hp over ush in power levels is hard for him or anyone else including Ramon Wiley to overcome...therefore my character is stronger.
Also, taking cash away from raf keeps him weaker thus allowing members of our gang to beat him. If he got all the cash he could have he would undoubtedly be much much higher in endurance and would start gaining on alot of us quickly.
Keeping the money our of diss/rafs hands made us stronger and allowed the rest of the members of the game to progress at the same pace.

3. Get over it....ill do it again if i have to

- alinutza - 2009.Mar.01 09:27 AM

Punisher Wrote:Bottom line here

1. I did what i did to further my character and its strength along with my gangs strength in this game. Not being able to reach a district where someone else can is not good for our gang. Paying exhorbitant prices hurts our crew most since most of us were capable of equiping the items.

2. Strategy
The extra hp over ush in power levels is hard for him or anyone else including Ramon Wiley to overcome...therefore my character is stronger.
Also, taking cash away from raf keeps him weaker thus allowing members of our gang to beat him. If he got all the cash he could have he would undoubtedly be much much higher in endurance and would start gaining on alot of us quickly.
Keeping the money our of diss/rafs hands made us stronger and allowed the rest of the members of the game to progress at the same pace.

most of us know why you did. all i ask is to stop playing the "we are here to help the community" card most of the time. dont tell me you dontaed so much just to be the strongest so you can help the community? thats bs.

also, imo you dont ask for high fees on the lvl weapons because you already have enough endurance and make enough cash to support your expenses. if you were in his place you'd ask for great tips as well, maybe not that high, but still considerable, thats for sure

- Marlo - 2009.Mar.01 10:20 AM

ANDY !!!! WooT WooT !!!!

Seriously Pun, you know that you have absolutely nothing to fear in Raf, your endurance is probably higher than his strength...

- Lucky666 - 2009.Mar.01 10:42 AM

woot?? :shock: :shock:
raf's a melee fighter?