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Zen, Where is my diploma? - Printable Version

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- Moriarty - 2008.Dec.16 11:23 AM

Rep level 3 isnt that high.

I upped my rep from 2 to 5 within id guess 3 - 4 months using the politics career

- LikeWhoa - 2008.Dec.16 11:32 AM

Marlo Wrote:Example College level Course:

Master Masonry

Course Description:

In graduate level Master Masonry, you will learn the most up to date processes in structural fortification and resistance. These tools afford both yourself and your gang wonderful benefits. For yourself, an added boost in the conversion of your career points to development points. For your gang, the added security of having a hideout refresher able to repair and fortify the hideout better than any other.


Level: 25
Reputation: 3
Intelligence: 10
Career: Construction
Career Level: 8
Schooling: Finished all previous AL Schooling.

Course Length:

Grad Level 101 - 30 days, studying 4 hours a day.

Grad Level 201 - 60 days, studying 6 hours a day.

Grad Level 301 - 90 days, studying 8 hours a day.

dnt get me wrong, its definitely an awesome idea, probably exactly when zen was looking for. i was just bitching cause i'm not @ lvl 3 yet =(

i dont now but from zens post, i think she was also looking for benefits for each career and as you stated marlo, it would amplify our current career abilities/conversion rate. i think she was looking for something new, but like i said i'm not sure.

- LikeWhoa - 2008.Dec.16 11:37 AM

i was actually hoping that engineerers and constructionist would have some offensive or defensive abilities. i know, it doesnt make sense, but i would love to have it since i suck

- ZeonOne - 2008.Dec.16 11:53 AM

Not bad of an idea.

So, This is how I interpret it.

For the grad courses, we study each day. When the required study hours have been met, we will finish the course.

When the course has been completed, we get + X amount of dev points.

- LikeWhoa - 2008.Dec.16 11:54 AM

zenith Wrote:This discussion always evolves into something overly complicated or unbalanced.

Give me 8 reasonable graduate-level courses with their benefits. Let's make this a community project, and see if there can be a general consensus over this topic.

ok i just thought this over during my smoke break:

Engineering: make hideout undeclareable for a certain amt of time
Martial Arts: protect players
Military: Back-up
Construction: increase HP to hideout temporarily
Athletics: travel to places cheaper <-- could be hard to code
Medical: DOnt know
Science: remove borgs/ cheaper implants/ lose less humanity whatever works best.
politics: make it more expensive/more credits for players to bail out of jail
Manufacturing: make items discounted

i might be completely off subject, i dont even know. these could also be new ideas for new career abilities like @ lvl 12 and might not even on point.

zen are you looking for passive abilities, like abilities that you dont have to use points for... like skills?

- ZeonOne - 2008.Dec.16 12:01 PM

zenith Wrote:This discussion always evolves into something overly complicated or unbalanced.

Give me 8 reasonable graduate-level courses with their benefits. Let's make this a community project, and see if there can be a general consensus over this topic.

Requirements :
  • These courses cannot be taken unless all other courses in the original school code are completed.
  • Time should not just automatically count down like the original school code. You need to be active.
  • Limit bonuses to dev points only.
  • Just because these are "graduate level" doesn't mean the bonuses should be out of control. Keep the bonuses to respectable levels.

I personally don't think just finishing the original school courses should be enough to get you in. I think there should be more restrictions on these, such as a minimum intelligence / reputation requirement.

Let's see where this topic leads.

We are out of range for the bonus already.

But, I wouldn't mind that idea, likewhoa. Biggrin

- LikeWhoa - 2008.Dec.16 12:06 PM

ooohhh ok, so i guess i WAS completely off point.

well if it's development points only, it should at LEAST increase 1 lvl of endurance/intel from where ever it got left off @. (of course after graduating all the classes) otherwise it'd be pointless to add new classes.

- PhisheVA - 2008.Dec.16 12:10 PM

You probably want to put something in there too that if you miss 4-5 days in a row that you have to take the course over. Kinda like getting fired from your job and losing a rank.

I like where the ideas are going though.

- LikeWhoa - 2008.Dec.16 12:21 PM

question: were the original classes developed for non-donators?

- Moriarty - 2008.Dec.16 12:35 PM

Why not make it so that you can graduate in each of the 8 career paths, you would then gain extra benefit from that career.

For example Athletes upon graduation would earn 4 END points per point used instead of .09

Other careers could mean higher hideout repairs, higher bailouts, higher hideout destruction.

Perhaps combine this with Marlos 3 diploma lvls in order to make it a longer and harder process. so at lvl1 END returns at 1.8 lvl2 END returns at 2.9 Lvl3 END returs at 4