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Successful crime rate yesterday for all of AL - Printable Version

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- shadowinc - 2008.Nov.04 11:52 AM

buuddha Wrote:now your gonna sit there and call Nightrain fat!

oh its on now!

not me, will you please remove your hand from other mens pants pocket, me personally do not like it and your making me feel very uneasy :shock:

- Nightrain - 2008.Nov.04 11:55 AM

Seems as i Have now be added to this debaucle of a thread.

Apparently you miss read SG's post as to the inuendo of someone being fat was ment for you.

Let me suggest that first you remove your hand/digit from SG's posterior as I am sure his significant other may become upset.

As to the bathing issue, I have it on high sources that SG does bathe on a weekly schedule> In between bath's he uses the Working Girl style of freshening up with a damp hand towel and some discount perfume.

- Dingus - 2008.Nov.04 11:58 AM

I had a steak and cheese from Anthonys for lunch! YUMMY!

- buuddha - 2008.Nov.04 11:58 AM

his old lady is actually trying to set up a deal with me where i keep my hand/finger here, because she is getting sick and tired of SG asking every night for it.

she claims that bleach has nothing on the stuff crawling around on SG.

im asking for 1 million a day.

- shadowinc - 2008.Nov.04 12:00 PM

Nightrain Wrote:Seems as i Have now be added to this debaucle of a thread.

Apparently you miss read SG's post as to the inuendo of someone being fat was ment for you.

Let me suggest that first you remove your hand/digit from SG's posterior as I am sure his significant other may become upset.

As to the bathing issue, I have it on high sources that SG does bathe on a weekly schedule> In between bath's he uses the Working Girl style of freshening up with a damp hand towel and some discount perfume.

thank you, now that thats cleared up, back to my lil ugly frog freind,

- Nightrain - 2008.Nov.04 12:04 PM

buuddha Wrote:his old lady is actually trying to set up a deal with me where i keep my hand/finger here, because she is getting sick and tired of SG asking every night for it.

she claims that bleach has nothing on the stuff crawling around on SG.

im asking for 1 million a day.

You really starting to worry me :shock:

this is usually how a long lasting relationship commences.You already getting slightly physical.
I hope his old lady gets a good attorney and keeps all rights to the Shadow warlords.

I would be more than happy to represent her if needed,For a slight fee of course

- biffbaffboff - 2008.Nov.04 12:04 PM

DirkDanja Wrote:
Nightrain Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:
shadowinc Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:
shadowinc Wrote:if your that stupid, then i will no longier reply to you, just look for something that people live in and jump head first

well if your dumb enough to not realize that i was building pyramids, thats fine, dont talk to me anymore.

if you so stupid as to keep pushing players that are highier than you, you really do need to jump off something very high head first, it may knock some common sense into you

keep pushing players that are higher than me?i wasnt "pushing" anyone. i was just making a joke. it wasnt even aimed in your direction, just something i thought was funny. SG, you are so pathetic. i swear to god you PMS more than my gf.

Humm ok this really puts a bad pisture in my mind. IF hes pushing a player thast higher than him. Exactly were is he placing his his hands and what finger is he using?

Hyptno that may be the reason SG is slightly upset. I suggest you move your digits to the side please.

I like lunch lol

Thank god we aren't doing pyramids lol lol lol

- shadowinc - 2008.Nov.04 12:05 PM

now that was a nice one biff :roll:

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Nov.04 12:08 PM

Hello. =D

- Nightrain - 2008.Nov.04 12:10 PM

biffbaffboff Wrote:
DirkDanja Wrote:
Nightrain Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:
shadowinc Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:
shadowinc Wrote:if your that stupid, then i will no longier reply to you, just look for something that people live in and jump head first

well if your dumb enough to not realize that i was building pyramids, thats fine, dont talk to me anymore.

if you so stupid as to keep pushing players that are highier than you, you really do need to jump off something very high head first, it may knock some common sense into you

keep pushing players that are higher than me?i wasnt "pushing" anyone. i was just making a joke. it wasnt even aimed in your direction, just something i thought was funny. SG, you are so pathetic. i swear to god you PMS more than my gf.

Humm ok this really puts a bad pisture in my mind. IF hes pushing a player thast higher than him. Exactly were is he placing his his hands and what finger is he using?

Hyptno that may be the reason SG is slightly upset. I suggest you move your digits to the side please.

I like lunch lol

Thank god we aren't doing pyramids lol lol lol

Pyramids are not allowed in the forums, So i would psuggest that it not continue.

Modorators do stop by ever so often.

Now to continue on this SAGA.

Oh yes before anything else I do crimes and my average is lsightly above 23.5% succesful so i think perhaps the system may be broken.

SO whos paaying who to do what to who when and how often? I've lost my place and dont want to go to the 1st page to read about crime stuff