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Valentine's Day-After Jail Bust Poll - Printable Version

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- Leopard - 2009.Feb.15 03:21 PM

I would just cancel the whole thing and tell the whiners to stick it.

everyone knew exactly what the rules meant but they knowingly knew what nitpicking excuse they could exploit and so they have attempted to do it.

EPIC fail on their parts imho

- spacebird - 2009.Feb.15 03:30 PM

this is really stupid. she set rules. if you are too ignorant to comprehend, you lose your turn. there will be contests in the future where you may understand the game.

- zenith - 2009.Feb.15 03:51 PM

Short of just canceling the contest, I think it's safe to say I wasn't clear enough. My intent was to not allow any manipulation of the minutes by combat stalemates. Of course, there is always someone who will think of something else.

What will be allowed :
1.) Busts of players who were in jail based on a crime.
2.) Busts of players who were in jail due to a failed organized crime.
3.) Busts of players who got caught busting someone out based on the above.

What won't be factored in :
1.) Stalemate sentences
2.) Any jail sentence originating from a stalemate (i.e. busting someone who tried to bust out after a stalemate and failed).

I think this is fair and should make both sides equally upset with me. It's either this or scrap it and do another one tomorrow.

I think anyone who knowingly stalemated and then intentionally tried to bust out so they could change their sentence category did so to work around the rules. Those minutes should not be counted. However, I also feel since there are an equal number of players who did not understand what my INTENT was, they should not be severely punished.

I will go over the final standings with and without all data just to see if this whole debate is even worth our time, since it very well may result in the top 3 not changing anyway. Normally the top group is significantly ahead for some odd reason.

- ZhuSeth - 2009.Feb.15 03:53 PM

I say lets do another one tomorrow.
It's fun. Biggrin

- delpot - 2009.Feb.15 03:54 PM

yeah ive never been a big jail buster at all...but i had a good run today...i hope im near the top!

- TommiTheTaco - 2009.Feb.15 03:54 PM

No F'n way. Spent all of this time doing this one..

- drec92 - 2009.Feb.15 03:55 PM

i think its fine leave it whoever whines stfu and just bust everybody then
no tommorow

- ZhuSeth - 2009.Feb.15 03:55 PM

Not that, it's just nice not to spend your own AP when failing a crime.
More money. Smile

Can we make it last more then 8 hours? Biggrin

- buuddha - 2009.Feb.15 03:56 PM

TommiTheTaco Wrote:No F'n way. Spent all of this time doing this one..

yah wtf.
thats totally not fair.

- drec92 - 2009.Feb.15 03:57 PM

ive been non stop busting and i think im doing good this continues its not our fault ppl cant read correctly