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- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.10 07:43 PM

Woo. Punisher, I can read. You just won't. lol

- TheMace - 2008.Oct.10 07:44 PM

TommiTheTaco Wrote:Can Howlsong actually beat Usha? Or is she just falsifying the reality of her needing an upgrade to help her out?

She can. I saw it straight after i had already posted this. By the time i had thought to drag to copy and modify my post Ush had stimmed out. Confirmed. End of story.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.10 07:46 PM

I really need to spell it out...

Usha got robbed of 'First person to beat the Horvath' tag because people complained of 'it not being a real win.' Howlsong is being robbed of such glory with my having to spell it out to the people that can't piece two and two together.

Good job, Howlsong. You won, but need a pick me up to do it. Congratulations on your 'pure win.'

- Punisher - 2008.Oct.10 07:47 PM

wtg isnt about you tommi...nice hits howl

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.10 07:48 PM

I know, Punisher. It's about Howlsong. Howlsong's failure to be able to beat Usha 'the real way.'

- Punisher - 2008.Oct.10 07:51 PM

yeah, ask zen why she made the zerk option

- Ushanewnewba - 2008.Oct.10 07:51 PM

OMG, lol. Yes, I would like to see verification too, lol. Zenith or Err, can you verify the win?

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.10 07:52 PM

Verify, AND tell Howlsong that she didn't beat Usha 'The real way.' lol lol

- Punisher - 2008.Oct.10 07:54 PM

pfft....should i unequip for you tommi

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.10 07:55 PM

Sure. =D I won't do anything, though. I'm not gonna try and be fake, like Howlsong. :x