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Apparantlly no codes are tampered with. - Printable Version

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- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.23 03:52 PM

Might be a glitch for when you came back from the Retirement District.

- badmanbren - 2008.Sep.23 03:52 PM

Weird, never happened before. I want a tag eitherway.

- shadowinc - 2008.Sep.23 03:52 PM

TommiTheTaco Wrote:Might be a glitch for when you came back from the Retirement District.

could be

- alinutza - 2008.Sep.23 03:53 PM

13243 }DIS{ SealClubber 24 2436 Caught attacking deadmanbren

- dekarr - 2008.Sep.23 03:53 PM

I want a tag and a free bust, 2500 minutes, or close to 2 days jail time.

Bren should also get one for first to 125, Grats Bren!

- badmanbren - 2008.Sep.23 03:54 PM

Yeah, it took some hard work. Thanks man. I'll open sales up for the items when they're produced. Any offers?


- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.23 03:54 PM

You don't need a tag for announcing to the game your glitch.

You should get banned for exploiting it. [/joke]

That does need to be fixed, though. That's really weird. You try attacking anyone yet?

- Howl - 2008.Sep.23 03:55 PM

Combatants Howlsong deadmanbren
Level During Fight 47 65
Starting Health 1806 Fair Condition
Hits 10 0
Best Hit 424 0
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 0 2,093
Total Damage Resisted 0 10
Total Damage Taken 0 2,083


- Marlo - 2008.Sep.23 03:55 PM

Just Zerked him and hit him for 586!!!

- badmanbren - 2008.Sep.23 03:55 PM

I have no armour/weapons...I'll try slapping you up though, district?