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My last day - Printable Version

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- CrazyFoley - 2008.Dec.01 06:47 PM

Bye, love you man.

- JagerBomb - 2008.Dec.01 07:16 PM

lol, love is a strong word mr.foleyWink

- vInDicaTed - 2008.Dec.01 07:46 PM

Wow! Didn't' see this happening. To think of all those times over the last month when we were fighting for the same targets. There will be a little less challenge in AL going forward.

If you need me to sit your house till you come back, just say the word.

- Wolfbane - 2008.Dec.01 08:28 PM

sorry to see you go jr hope rl is just as fun al as been for you if not more Biggrin

- BlitzKrieg - 2008.Dec.01 08:42 PM

Dammit.. all the people that caused me to want to get better are leaving Sad

- Phredrick - 2008.Dec.01 09:02 PM


- BL00DYHAZ3 - 2008.Dec.01 11:07 PM

Bye John man, its hard to see a good respectful and loyal member of the AL community separated R.I.P.

- buuddha - 2008.Dec.01 11:27 PM

family is over rated.

stay here, where people actually like you. a little.

nah im just joking rambo, its been fun.

- shadowinc - 2008.Dec.02 06:29 AM

kill the frog, fry him up Twisted :roll:

- BrokenGlass - 2008.Dec.02 07:20 AM

Hate to see you leave John Rambo.....Thanks for all those belt charges.......

Don't forget about us here in cyberspace......Good luck