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When? - Printable Version

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- unpredictabletex - 2008.Aug.17 04:26 PM

Please give us one of those gang days where we hit each other so i can beat up SisterLynx/Vash and teach her it's not polite to beg ! lol

- SisterLynx - 2008.Aug.17 04:33 PM

Those there'n words be fight'n words, Ya yeller bellied possum. Twisted

- ShadowKid - 2008.Aug.17 04:34 PM

Wow i thought i had it bad in Cosa lol.

- unpredictabletex - 2008.Aug.17 04:43 PM

Best remember my " Pimp Hands " strong woman ! heheheh. i'll kick ya to the curb then beat you to a bloody pulp till your insides ooze down the gutter drain that you call home! hehe

- SisterLynx - 2008.Aug.17 04:49 PM

ROFLMAO "pimp hands"? ooooooooohhhh I'm scared now. Razz

- unpredictabletex - 2008.Aug.17 04:52 PM

See what I mean Zen! I need to put her in check ! lol

- dekarr - 2008.Aug.17 09:23 PM

I think its a swell idea