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why do all the 20 plus slot gangs war - Printable Version

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- Thor - 2008.May.06 10:54 PM

Wrong again but I ain't gonna start explaining to you how this game works entirely. I have 13 wars to win and a good night sleep to catch.

Think what you want, most of us knows best.

- BlitzKrieg - 2008.May.06 10:59 PM

Doesn't the fact that you guys have less than half your bodies online right now and are in 10 wars at once sorta contradict your theory?

Assuming that half of the players in any of those gangs are online it'd be roughly equivalent..

Level 30 folks can repair HQ's, afford stims and bars, and cause more damage to the gang members and the HQ thu WAY better stats and gear.
it's not a contest at all.

The 20 level 5's would have more attacks true, but the damage they cause against an armored HQ with a sick refresh would be negligible.

- w00k - 2008.May.06 11:00 PM

hydro9226 Wrote:you're a dumbass if you're gonna hospitalize low level players for days or even for hours just cuz you cant take em 1 on 1. There's nothing else to add here. i sense some irony here?

20420 }Minion{ DirkDanja 14 62 Hospitalized by Cheetah.

- Thor - 2008.May.06 11:00 PM

You said 3 level 30, not 15 gods... lol

- BlitzKrieg - 2008.May.06 11:02 PM

hydro9226 Wrote:Level has nothing to do with gang wars. 20 level 5 could beat 5 lvl 30 everytime.

You sound like some1 who just left a gang that lost a lot of wars. lol

Your example had 5 level 30's actually...

- McCule - 2008.May.06 11:03 PM

BlitzKrieg Wrote:
McCule Wrote:It takes the same amt of EPs to attack a LL guy as it does to attack someone the same lvl. If I hit three of your guys but you have 17 others attacking my fort...

but if your 3 guys are in the hospital for 5 hours and my 4 friends hit thier 3 guy allotment as well well that only leaves 5 level 5 hitting with what? APK's? for a whopping 20 points damage max? While my HQ hits are somewhere around 50 per hit?

then add in your level 30 HQ refresh rate and hardening and reallly?? there isn't a fight here..

First of all I'm finding it hard to get past the comment "While my HQ hits are somewhere around 50/hit" There is NO way you are averaging 50/hit. I'm calling BS.
What gang with five players avg level 30 is going to have a superhuman fort? See all of the top gangs with superhumann forts? They got that way by earning war pts, a LOT more war points than a 5-roster gang of ANY avg level could acquire with only 5 members on 24hrs/day.

- ZeonOne - 2008.May.06 11:04 PM

I have been there. Its not the fact that you can't beat the other gang. Its their number. Even at lower level, but more player, that gang has a very high chance to win.

Remember Hide out attack is base on the weapon, not level. 20 peoples doing 100 damage to a hide out each. oh boy... there is now way the 5 level 20 would win.

- Punisher - 2008.May.06 11:09 PM

selfless attackers and repairers are the key...not loners

- CrazyFoley - 2008.May.06 11:17 PM

McCule Wrote:
thatthingufear Wrote:Becuase they get more points that way. Do you think Valhalla would be wear it is now, if they fought people that actually had a chance at winning?
Hmmmm.... Where exactly are WE again? :shock:
2 Valhalla

- Saerin - 2008.May.06 11:29 PM

Gang size matters a ton in this format.

as many have not mentioned the more slots you have the higher your hideout upgrades can be.

This also due to the gang combat bonus makes it harder to attack them. and makes you easier to attack . Hence the reason that if the gang combat bonus doesnt affect power level I believe it should.

The 20+ slot gangs have a distinct advantage due to size but this does come at a price. as the cost to open slots that high are in the $million+ range. This is accomplished by having a large number of deep pocket donators in one gang. you can say that it doesn't matter about donating a ton of money but by now anyone that has player here a decent amount of time knows that it does.

do they war each other. I have seen it more than 1 time but the majority of the time they do hit the smaller gangs. but they do this for the same reason people generally only attack people they know they can beat. A reward with minimal risk.

The only fact that nobody can disclaim is that they have earned their status. you just have to decide if it really matters to you and if it does what are you going to do about it.