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Gang Points Usage - Printable Version

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- EvilLemming - 2008.Jan.29 11:40 AM

Why not something for happiness, make it small but cost alot e.g:
Bling - 100k Gives gang members pretty, shiny things (happy refresh + 2%)

or something that doesn't cost as much but has a chance to be destroyed in a war:
Gang Flag - 2k Makes you the proudest person to wield a lead pipe (happy refresh + 2%, 30% of flag burning if you lose a war)

- benfrankly - 2008.Jan.29 07:51 PM

something that could be destroyed during war (or a series of wars) is also very intriguing.

- Druchii - 2008.Jan.30 11:41 AM

I saw an idea today in the forums which I thought could be improved, so here is my attempt at it.

A turf, is a city block or something, can generate 300$ a day.

When you purchase a gang with 3 slots you get a opening turf 9 spaces, 3 for each gang slot. When you upgrade the gang you get 2 more turfs until you reach 10 slots, after that you are down to 1 turf each gang member slot.

And if you purchase a gang addon called "Drive-By Cars" you can steal 1 turf from another gang when you war them.

Meaning when a gang has lost enough wars against gangs with "Drive By Cars" then your gang seizes to be productive. And one would have to commit PVP warring aswell to assure you dont lose the gang wars, since its daily income at stake.

And the number of gang "Drive by cars" decide how many turfs you can steal, 10 turfs maybe each car.

Sound silly or good? I think this would give the gang war system we have now more meaning.

- Conrad1103 - 2008.Jan.30 10:23 PM

"I dont like removing gcb for something temporary...if you remove it please add back something permanent we could buy....that would be much more worth the huge amount of points spent "


- Conrad1103 - 2008.Jan.30 10:31 PM

how about the option to convert gang points to $?

1 point = $100???

this money can go to the vault and used/distributed to members as seen fit.

simple, but practical.

- EvilLemming - 2008.Jan.30 11:05 PM

If your thinking of temp perks maybe try ones that aren't about stats:

Crocked Cop - 2k: You've paid officer McGee to look the other way when your gang is trying to make ends meet. For the next week every time a gang member is busted there is a 10% chance McGee is the arresting officer who will release you after 1 minuet of jail time.

there's Judges for less bail & ER Docs for priority treatment and less healing time

- Scorpious - 2008.Jan.31 11:52 AM

Nice ideas there Evil. Biggrin Biggrin Bought judges plus political skills can possibly lower a 100 minute jailtime to less than $1000 bail then. LOL

- Howl - 2008.Jan.31 01:38 PM

Druchii Wrote:I saw an idea today in the forums which I thought could be improved, so here is my attempt at it.

A turf, is a city block or something, can generate 300$ a day.

When you purchase a gang with 3 slots you get a opening turf 9 spaces, 3 for each gang slot. When you upgrade the gang you get 2 more turfs until you reach 10 slots, after that you are down to 1 turf each gang member slot.

And if you purchase a gang addon called "Drive-By Cars" you can steal 1 turf from another gang when you war them.

Meaning when a gang has lost enough wars against gangs with "Drive By Cars" then your gang seizes to be productive. And one would have to commit PVP warring aswell to assure you dont lose the gang wars, since its daily income at stake.

And the number of gang "Drive by cars" decide how many turfs you can steal, 10 turfs maybe each car.

Sound silly or good? I think this would give the gang war system we have now more meaning.

You know this is an interesting concept. Would def give more meaning to wars, possibly encouraging people to fight back. Right now it doesnt matter who we declare on, without any kind of repercussions few gangs actually make an attempt to defend against/ attack the opposing hideout.

- Druchii - 2008.Jan.31 03:50 PM

YES!! Imagine the delicious whining mails, the threatening mails! Oh and all the forum threads saying "Why you attack us? We haven't done anything to deserve it!"

People would fight with nail and claw to keep what they got. And if they lose everything it would be better to either join a new gang or disband and make a new one. Instead of keeping the same old.

- Scorpious - 2008.Jan.31 05:56 PM

Have it so that there are two types of gangs (As Geek posted before). One as a regular gang type and the other as the hardcore gang type. Then it may work out alright. Eventually there may be players/gangs that want to move and/or start a hardcore gang just for the thrill of the fight. Then the regular gangs can sit back and see the supergangs in the city. Of course they would not much have to worry as it would be like the crips (however it is spelled, LOL) running a city and having the little rascals watching them. No worries there at all. LOL