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so about the attacks under 50%.. - Printable Version

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- Howl - 2008.Feb.27 12:09 PM

I'm still not entirely sure i like the idea of being hit in serious but as a cpl ppl discovered last night you have to get me there 1st and it aint easy or pretty Wink

However I'm all for a special multi attack that has a chance to take me out in one fell swoop.

- Marlo - 2008.Feb.27 12:11 PM

But the would make it pointless to attack higher players. I f I attack you and I lose 3 GP's, then Weeb's attacks you and loses 3 poinbts, then PropJoe attacks you and loses three points, we are obviously doing something wrong, and desevre point loss.

However, if two or more players cooridinate an attack, that upon first attack loses them 3, but after the second attack gains them 10, they have succesfully teamed up on the stronger player and deserve the points.

- saint - 2008.Feb.27 12:21 PM

I agree with howl, if lets say 3 people could somehow hit together, in one combined effort attack it would be a lot better, and then attacking under fair wouldn't be needed

- w00k - 2008.Feb.27 12:26 PM

i see your point here marlo and think that maybe if they lost 1 point for losing the attack it would make more sense, at least there's some loss there then.

idk, i guess i just have a problem with the fact that a stronger player can be ganged up on by multiple attackers and get caught with their pants down and lose points yet that same stronger player gains absolutely nothing if he attacks that same group of players. it just kind of forces the stronger players from playing a pivotal role in wars. they're just a pinata hanging from the ceiling being chipped away by a group of people until they get sick of it and just decide to relentlessly hospitalize.

- Marlo - 2008.Feb.27 12:37 PM

I hear ya w00k, that does suck.

With that suckiness in mind, and the idea of a multi player attack on higher level players on the table, how about an equal reversal? If you are so jacked that you cant get points from single PvP, how about utilizing that power to absolutely dominate.

Similiar to a berserk, a player echilons above the oppositions power levels would be able to take out 2-5 opposing players at once. This would yeild you GP's equal to the strongest player you defeat, but would also leave you much more susceptible to damage.

- zenith - 2008.Feb.27 12:40 PM

saintt Wrote:I agree with howl, if lets say 3 people could somehow hit together, in one combined effort attack it would be a lot better, and then attacking under fair wouldn't be needed

So if the multi-attack was implemented and the under 50% was eliminated this would be something we could all compromise on?

I was already toying with multi-attack options in the development server and it's going to be tough to sell to everyone. It would have to cost more energy than a normal attack to coordinate things, and it probably would have to be restricted to only having you benefit from members in your gang who are online and have the energy for a normal attack (as well as being in the same location). To be honest the normal attack code won't work well for this and more than likely would have to be redone or this option destined to a gang-point-spend category.

Believe me, adding bonuses for gang members with the standard attack code results in an all-or-nothing scenario. You either defeat the opponent or everyone attacking loses... which just isn't acceptable in my opinion.

Testing with a gang-point multi-attack where you spend some gang points and all active members in the location of your opponent get a group attack would result in more realistic results and keep the individual combat simple. A group of 5 could attack (say using 25 gang points and 1/3rd energy for all involved) and the defender might be able to take one or more with him before being defeated.

- zenith - 2008.Feb.27 12:41 PM

Fractaleyes Wrote:I hear ya w00k, that does suck.

With that suckiness in mind, and the idea of a multi player attack on higher level players on the table, how about an equal reversal? If you are so jacked that you cant get points from single PvP, how about utilizing that power to absolutely dominate.

Similiar to a berserk, a player echilons above the oppositions power levels would be able to take out 2-5 opposing players at once. This would yeild you GP's equal to the strongest player you defeat, but would also leave you much more susceptible to damage.

Interesting idea.

- thawdgharp - 2008.Feb.27 12:42 PM

ok, marlo, don't patronize me because i don't read every post of every thread.

and i would be ok with your suggestion, no hits while the person being attacked is in critical, but hits in serious are allowed.. heck, i'd be ok with that always being the case. as long as there is some buffer (near death - critical)

- w00k - 2008.Feb.27 12:48 PM

Fractaleyes Wrote:Similiar to a berserk, a player echilons above the oppositions power levels would be able to take out 2-5 opposing players at once. This would yeild you GP's equal to the strongest player you defeat, but would also leave you much more susceptible to damage.

now marlo, something like that would possibly re-ignite my interest in gang wars.

and zenith, i like that idea of multi-attacks in the gang-point-spend category.

- Howl - 2008.Feb.27 12:49 PM

Fractaleyes Wrote:I hear ya w00k, that does suck.

With that suckiness in mind, and the idea of a multi player attack on higher level players on the table, how about an equal reversal? If you are so jacked that you cant get points from single PvP, how about utilizing that power to absolutely dominate.

Similiar to a berserk, a player echilons above the oppositions power levels would be able to take out 2-5 opposing players at once. This would yeild you GP's equal to the strongest player you defeat, but would also leave you much more susceptible to damage.

That would be interesting.