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What has happened to AL. - Printable Version

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RE: What has happened to AL. - ENAmitun - 2009.Jun.16 11:10 PM

Its a sad day for AL

RE: What has happened to AL. - Monte - 2009.Jun.16 11:15 PM

The subject of the thread is what happened to AL.

We all need to understand what is broken before it can be fixed. It might be painful to hear what is wrong with the game that we all enjoy. But it has to happen.

We can suggest improvements and fun ways to change things, but how about doing that in a thread that already talks about that?

If you don't know what is wrong with your car would you want the mechanic to just start "fixing" things before they run a diagnostic test? It's a waste of time to change the tires when you have a bad fuel pump.

People would like to know what happened to our mechanic.

Quote: Ushanewnewba Wrote: What set this game apart from others was extremely active admin.. personable, and professional.

We were getting updates (content) what seemed like daily. Now it's few and far between. We were very well taken care of in the past with just content overload. Either the coding for updates is just taking so much longer, the ideas are washing up, or admin is actually busy with other stuff.

But, there is the rub, I am not going to refer a friend when it appears no one has been behind the steering wheel for a few months.

Nothing replaces admin activity though. One of the MAJOR reasons I ever kept going in this game.

RE: What has happened to AL. - Jolabent - 2009.Jun.16 11:27 PM

(2009.Jun.16 10:37 PM)SisterLynx Wrote:  Makes you wonder if Zen went on vacation, or is too busy coding to deal with our issues, maybe it's none of our business, maybe she is having a meltdown, or an AL overload and wants out.

Inquiring minds want to know

If you followed Zen's activity or even name change the past couple of weeks, you would know where Zen is. Once again....Zen my condolences.

RE: What has happened to AL. - SisterLynx - 2009.Jun.16 11:34 PM

Please we are not talking about just the last couple of weeks now are we? How long does your Job let you take off for a funeral? I'm sorry she lost her grandmother. What a terrible thing to happen. But....

RE: What has happened to AL. - JaySin - 2009.Jun.16 11:41 PM

(2009.Jun.16 11:34 PM)SisterLynx Wrote:  Please we are not talking about just the last couple of weeks now are we? How long does your Job let you take off for a funeral? I'm sorry she lost her grandmother. What a terrible thing to happen. But....

That was uncalled for

RE: What has happened to AL. - SisterLynx - 2009.Jun.16 11:51 PM

Bite me Gollum.

RE: What has happened to AL. - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jun.16 11:53 PM

But it was. You're talkin' about a job. This is a secondary, if not an optional, source of any kind of income. This is something extra that could be left to stall right now and make extra money through new players and old alike, it being that good. This is not a necessity.

RE: What has happened to AL. - SisterLynx - 2009.Jun.16 11:56 PM

(2009.Jun.16 11:53 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote:  But it was. You're talkin' about a job. This is a secondary, if not an optional, source of any kind of income. This is something extra that could be left to stall right now and make extra money through new players and old alike, it being that good. This is not a necessity.

Isn't that what we are trying to find out? Is AL worth spending our money on? Or is it just going to stall out, since it's not a necessity.

RE: What has happened to AL. - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jun.17 12:00 AM

It might stall out for us, but with a new wave of people roaming in, they'll discover how good the game is and be just like us; Wanting to raise past the next guy, and some have extra means of doing so(Donations).

The game's still good for me, even though real life is catching me a little more and more every passing week. If updates are coming, be they close together, far and few, of spared at a reasonable pace, I'm a happy camper. As long as it doesn't completely die, things'll be fine. That's how good this game is.

RE: What has happened to AL. - SisterLynx - 2009.Jun.17 12:08 AM

I'll give you that. I'm compeletly addicted. Working on two years playing it. I'm like Ush, I miss the old Zen that used to update us on whats going on. Or heck even getting results/rewards from contests in a timely manner. It is a source of income, secondary or not.