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Who Dropped The Ball? - Printable Version

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- TommiTheTaco - 2009.Feb.27 06:45 PM

Thanks for the advice from your own extensive experience.

- Leopard - 2009.Feb.27 06:49 PM

Marlo Wrote:I agree GR, but regardless of personal motives, the monetary opportunity gained from years of hard work should outweigh any misgivings...


power to 70 and beat them so it doesn't happen again
BBH probably has a pretty good combat schedule he'll share

- DirkDanja - 2009.Feb.27 06:50 PM

Yeah this one time in the 7Laws shower i dropped a bar of soap
and likewoah tried to molest me :oops:

- LikeWhoa - 2009.Feb.27 07:08 PM

true story

- psheehan78 - 2009.Feb.27 07:38 PM

In likewhoa's defense, it's got to be hard to resist with that swagger DirkDanja's got.

- shadowlinger - 2009.Feb.27 07:46 PM

Dirk is scared of naked women. Look in howls post from yesterday it says it all lol

- Canosoup - 2009.Feb.27 08:01 PM

Dirk and I had a fling a while back. He won't admit it but it's all over the forums.

- JaySin - 2009.Feb.27 08:51 PM

Italian Style Wedding Soup.....

- DirkDanja - 2009.Feb.27 09:58 PM

Canosoup Wrote:Dirk and I had a fling a while back. He won't admit it but it's all over the forums.

yeah we had a very rough breakup because i wouldn't let soup get on top :oops: :shock:

- DirkDanja - 2009.Feb.27 09:59 PM

shadowlinger Wrote:Dirk is scared of naked women. Look in howls post from yesterday it says it all lol

in my defense
i wasn't about to let a naked wolf lady fist me in the bumhole