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- drec92 - 2008.Oct.01 08:42 PM

i would just like say ur up there with conrad on the domest ppl i ever met thinking ur so smart your the shizzz u aint nothing but a computer geeeekz fat boy

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.01 08:44 PM

I never thought I was a smart. I am smart. Smarter than you, anyway.

Oops. I remember me having said 'people who cannot understand greatness tend to frown upon it.' Seems since I can smack you in the face rather hard, you just frown at me about it.

Grow up, please. Learn to fail a little less, and be a little more cool to someone who stuck up for you back when Bigrod was messing with you. Maybe learn not to follow a crowd a idiots and tickle their balls by trying to be like them, always angry towards me for some reason.

- drec92 - 2008.Oct.01 08:49 PM

u plz i can care less about u u actually didnt do nothing cause what can u do anyways plus its all kool anyways
just learn to grow up and at least excercise while u play

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.01 08:50 PM

Wow..Complete, utter retardation.. Please, don't mock me with your presence any longer. It aches my soul to even read your text, let alone comprehend your insult.

- drec92 - 2008.Oct.01 08:51 PM

ye ayea whatever i dont know why i even waste my time on somthing so pathetic

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.01 08:52 PM

Because you are pathetic..Complaining about offline attacks that aren't hurting you much more than 50 experience, if that..Trying to mock me, only to get owned every step of the way..

- drec92 - 2008.Oct.01 08:54 PM

WOW i can care less about attacks im talking about u

- Canosoup - 2008.Oct.01 08:55 PM

Both of you go to your rooms! No desert for either of you!

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.01 08:57 PM

Aww...I'm glad I don't get any desert. I don't want sand in my mouth, anyway.

- BrokenGlass - 2008.Oct.01 09:10 PM

"Wrong, Do it again!"
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you
have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"