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good for my lvel - Printable Version

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- Duchbag69 - 2009.Jan.08 03:02 PM

in my opinion borg should not so much depend on level...but days active and stat levels...because someone who is a level 30 who power leveled compared to a level 25 who has been active for 50 days longer and has level 30 stats will have relatively the same stats and same humanity

- Ghosty - 2009.Jan.08 03:27 PM

Humanity 7

- Ghosty - 2009.Jan.08 03:29 PM

Battle Attribute Natural Modifier Rating Rank Development Status
Accuracy 14 +1 15 700
Dexterity 15 0 15 635
Resistance 12 +1 13 646
Strength 20 +1 21 306

i think good for a lvl 14???

- Conrad1103 - 2009.Jan.08 03:31 PM


- RenegadeJEDI - 2009.Jan.08 03:32 PM

I don't think you should have posted your leaves nothing to the imagination bro..

- Ushanewnewba - 2009.Jan.08 03:32 PM

Well, it's your decision to borg, we tried to help you out. Good luck! I am all cyber, have like .51 humanity or something.. I am due to borg in like 9 days.

- Ghosty - 2009.Jan.08 03:34 PM

sieng as the parts where done like this morning, , i asked if it was good at my level

- RenegadeJEDI - 2009.Jan.08 03:35 PM

unless you are rich like should just use humanity to your advantage...
I can imagine it to be pretty expensive to use credits for refreshes...

it stands to reason that anytime your stats become too big for your level you are in great shape...

- Ghosty - 2009.Jan.08 03:36 PM

well, i dont gym, at all, i get all my stats from job, and i use my energy for skills

- Weathers - 2009.Jan.08 03:42 PM

You need to get yourself into the gym buddy. Get the best house you can, as much END as you can and get those trains going. Career points are a limited entity, only using those won't let you catch anyone above you.