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Rules? - Printable Version

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- Nitromthn - 2008.Jan.23 07:26 PM

oh Biff your so nice to me.. do you promise?

Re: Rules? - Hawester - 2008.Jan.23 07:28 PM

Nitromthn Wrote:you only need to donate more than anyone else to be above the rules... ask Punisher.. he does as he want with no repuctions.. i got baned for emailing my girl.. but yet rule #9 is being broken over and over by villains and yet nothing is being done.. why?.. i donate i play but I'm not punisher... is it fair that their whole gang is bulling me?.. if your in villains and stand up for me you will be kicked. immediately so even if you think its wrong.. don't say nothing or you will get booted... lol Nazis rule... just use your two faces like saint... "i wont attack you bro im staying out of it" yea he hit me 3 times already...

I normally would stay clear of this whole meaningless conversation, but before you say things like "whole gang", do some research first. If this gang as well as other gangs truely wanted to just hit you all day long, it would be a waste of time. There is nothing about you that makes me want to hit you. I don't like to waste my time. In fact, I feel sorry for you. Your continued incorrect generalizations are showing just what a hateful little boy you are.

- cheetah - 2008.Jan.23 07:58 PM

biffbaffboff Wrote:Are you trying to be smart

Sorry Biff I think it's a lost cause. His spelling pretty much indicates ............

Edited by 8)

Re: Rules? - psheehan78 - 2008.Jan.23 08:44 PM

I've never heard of a Nitromthn before I read this thread but since I'm apparently involved I thought I'd add my two cents.

If there's one thing I love about this game, it's when someone completely loses touch of reality and goes psycho-berserk in the forums. It is very entertaining.

- Canosoup - 2008.Jan.23 08:51 PM

Here, Here!

- Jolabent - 2008.Jan.23 09:50 PM

You know I am not a Villian. But man this is enough to make me want to smack you a bit for going on and on. If you wish to continue to talk drek and continue to have reason to hospitalize you.

Get stronger, grow up, and enjoy the GAME. If you lose a friendship over it, that is sad. Life on the outside is more important and ever lasting while the game can end tomorrow.

- grabtindy - 2008.Jan.23 10:34 PM

Nitro - I suggest you fax all complaints to James at (409) 978-2670. His insight into this matter should be revealing.

- Scorpious - 2008.Jan.24 01:22 AM

I too see people posting pics alot. I guess the saying a picture says a thousand words is correct here. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, not all people have faxes so the toll-free number is 1(800)555-WAAA. lol lol lol lol lol

- Moriarty - 2008.Jan.24 07:08 AM

As you say Donators are above the law Im prepared to offer a middle ground here.

I am a Villain, I dont donate, I can smack you around a bit instead if you want.

Re: Rules? - saint - 2008.Jan.24 08:00 AM

Nitromthn Wrote:you only need to donate more than anyone else to be above the rules... ask Punisher.. he does as he want with no repuctions.. i got baned for emailing my girl.. but yet rule #9 is being broken over and over by villains and yet nothing is being done.. why

you're right nitro, all people should follow the rules, including the forum rules:

Quote:No personal attacks - These forums are not a place for you to take cheap shots at somebody because he/she did something. Do that some place else (or better yet, get over it). You have been warned. Hopefully, this won't be much of a problem here. If it does turn into a problem, player account for the forums for those involved will be suspended.

I feel that there has been several personal attacks from nitro here, on several villains including myself and feel the last part of forum rule #9 really needs to be implemented

Nitromthn Wrote:just use your two faces like saint... "i wont attack you bro im staying out of it" yea he hit me 3 times already...

make that 5 :wink:

and yes I said that a long while back, but I changed my mind. I realized you obviously have some problems, and I really do hope you find the mental hospital rather than the ER sometime soon.

I agree with cheetah, spell check is needed for these forums, because I think nitro here is trying to insult our intellects yet with his spelling I'm not sure who came out looking like the idiot.