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war code problems - Printable Version

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- randomjacker - 2008.Feb.26 08:01 PM

that was chalked up to randomness. it did happen where the attacker never won on full or fair. who ever the attacker was would loose. but people have hit the lottery 3 times so anything random is possible. it just seemed very odd it happened without fail If I remember correctly. We should just run a test ourselves. The code is probably fine. One way to find out. it is possible to hit the same number on roulette 6 times in a row.

- Conrad1103 - 2008.Feb.26 08:03 PM

im about to pop you in the mouth. so get ready.

- Conrad1103 - 2008.Feb.26 10:34 PM

we could def tell a difference in our mock war. thanks for correcting it!

now... about the getting hit while below fair condition and the expense of the battles for only a handfull of gang points, and the idea other uses of gang points..... lol