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My apologies to Habitat - Printable Version

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RE: My apologies to Habitat - awesomo - 2011.Dec.13 03:01 PM

(2011.Dec.13 02:35 PM)spacebird Wrote:  
(2011.Dec.13 02:31 PM)awesomo Wrote:  
(2011.Dec.13 01:22 PM)spacebird Wrote:  
(2011.Dec.13 01:18 PM)awesomo Wrote:  What a load of rubbish, why shouldn't they be aloud to get a few extra gp's? It's not asif we have to work hard for them.

speak for yourself? maybe dm doesn't ask their members to save ap and attack in those wars, but we do. i give my gang mates a hard time when they don't perform when we need them to, so why shouldn't we expect other gangs in that war to have the same courtesy?

We are asked to save ap over in DM, and that we do. But the Bal hideout is the easiest gang points anybody can get.

Just don't see what harm it does to anyone to let some of the smaller gangs progress.


have fun making up the balance of damage that we normally do for now on then.
(2011.Dec.13 01:50 PM)traumakush Wrote:  
(2011.Dec.13 01:46 PM)Monk Wrote:  Off Balazars gang? Effort? Please. Its the easiest 250gp a gang can get.

I once got 250 for two hideout attacks. Once in excellent and once in falling apart. Balazars is only for habitat to declare on?

Was kind of wondering this myself? Since when did Balazaar's gang become Habitat's own personal sparring gang for gang points? You guys have reached a whole new tier of self glorification and habitwatism.

"i give my gang mates a hard time when they don't perform when we need them to"

So you're running a small time communist dictatorship over there, is what you're saying? You "give them a hard time"? Gotta wonder why joining up over there is the new fad, if you're such a stickler for corporal punishment.

how long does your iPhone hold a charge for?

I've not once said nobody needs the damagee your lot do, you seem to be a well organised gang, of which I've always respected in game (organised gangs, that is)

RE: My apologies to Habitat - spacebird - 2011.Dec.13 03:08 PM

awesomo, my point is that the war doesn't get finished because there are 3 or 4 gangs holding out til the hideout is in crit to start hitting. why should gangs get gifted points for doing nothing.

we're out of the daily bal wars for a bit. if we want to war them, we'll organize with whom we feel benefit US in the wars for now on. we don't need the points.
not to mention, kush has an iPhone

RE: My apologies to Habitat - ShadowKid - 2011.Dec.13 03:13 PM

Apologising to gangs on a forum.... my oh my.. things have changed.

RE: My apologies to Habitat - shauno - 2011.Dec.13 03:16 PM

unlucky DA Winky

RE: My apologies to Habitat - awesomo - 2011.Dec.13 03:22 PM

(2011.Dec.13 03:08 PM)spacebird Wrote:  awesomo, my point is that the war doesn't get finished because there are 3 or 4 gangs holding out til the hideout is in crit to start hitting. why should gangs get gifted points for doing nothing.

we're out of the daily bal wars for a bit. if we want to war them, we'll organize with whom we feel benefit US in the wars for now on. we don't need the points.
not to mention, kush has an iPhone
Ok, thanks for answering my question.

RE: My apologies to Habitat - spacebird - 2011.Dec.13 03:54 PM

(2011.Dec.13 03:22 PM)awesomo Wrote:  
(2011.Dec.13 03:08 PM)spacebird Wrote:  awesomo, my point is that the war doesn't get finished because there are 3 or 4 gangs holding out til the hideout is in crit to start hitting. why should gangs get gifted points for doing nothing.

we're out of the daily bal wars for a bit. if we want to war them, we'll organize with whom we feel benefit US in the wars for now on. we don't need the points.
not to mention, kush has an iPhone
Ok, thanks for answering my question.

you're welcome. though i thought it was common knowledge. the guy really seems to love his phone.

RE: My apologies to Habitat - gemini4256 - 2011.Dec.13 04:07 PM

spacebird you stated in a letter that the hospitalizations would stop if I left the gang. I'm not sure if you were referring to the hospitalizations would stop only for me or for others in the gang.Anyhow I'm considering doing as you demanded to stop the conflict.I'm mainly responsible for causing this conflict so it's fitting I take action to help end it.Below is a gang mail about the conflict and there is no effort to cause trouble for anyone.

Sender : SuperDave [24993]
Date : 12 December 11 @ 4:53:12 pm
Subject : Our conflict with Habitat

We've ended our war victoriously with Balazar's gang and stated to Habitat leaders our intention of not declaring war on Balazar's gang again.
We've made attempts to resolve this conflict and will continue doing so until it's resolved.
Attempts to appease Habitat leaders have been unsuccessful thus far. Do what you feel is necessary for your own well being to allow your character to progress even if that includes leaving the gang.
I apologize if anyone here feels anything I've said or done has created or furthered this conflict.
Best wishes in all your endeavors.

RE: My apologies to Habitat - spacebird - 2011.Dec.13 04:22 PM

how come you all like to hosp people that can't defend themselves against you? answer me that and then we'll talk.


RE: My apologies to Habitat - gemini4256 - 2011.Dec.13 04:36 PM

(2011.Dec.13 04:22 PM)spacebird Wrote:  how come you all like to hosp people that can't defend themselves against you? answer me that and then we'll talk.

You're probably referring to my past conduct mainly.I just got released from federal jail like a month ago.My reasoning then for hospitalizing players weaker than me was mainly out of jealousy from seeing others progressing better tahn I could.I wished I could be a donator and afford better housing,weapons,armor,cyberware maybe and without the ability to obtain credits to sell for quick cash I had to use career points for stat gains and just focus mainly on levelling to get stronger.I'm still guilty sometimes of a online hosp or leave and I know it's wrong to do that and I doubt I'll continue that behavior much and I doubt that I'll be as active as I used to be until I can figure out how to improve my character in order for me to be as least competitive.As for Spike he saw other gangs as a threat to his gang's progress and was jealous of their ability to attract more active members.speak to him or anyone else in the gang by way of p.m.,regular mail or in the forum for their rationale fortheir conduct.


RE: My apologies to Habitat - spacebird - 2011.Dec.13 04:39 PM

then i suppose you are getting what has been coming to you? why all the tears then?