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What have i missed? - Printable Version

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RE: What have i missed? - bebopcrew420 - 2011.Oct.07 09:12 PM

(2011.Oct.06 06:54 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote:  
(2011.Oct.06 06:16 PM)shadowlinger Wrote:  i see alot of the big dogs are gone...
wow ok now i know i have missed something jeez wake the hell up people.

zen quit

What if zen just needed a breather. I'm not being sarcastic, many of us have put an unrealistic amount of time into this game, and we only stand to lose money. I started to burn out, then about 6 months ago my work life went to shit and this game took a back seat. Maybe zen has other issues to deal with and this game is the least of her problems, it's the first thing I cut out when my time started running short. The game will survive as long as there's a player base, if zen didn't care the game would be gone.If you look at the cred market you can see most people aren't donating. A lot of things are going to shit in our country/world, and I think that maybe the decline in our game has something to do with that. I've had to make sacrifices in my life recently, maybe zen isn't physically able to put the time into the game she wants. Idk, I could be 100% wrong, but since we're all still playing we shouldn't turn on her. Some kinda response from her would be nice from time to time, but in all fairness we have bitched about her enough for her to say fuck it

RE: What have i missed? - johnsonhalo76 - 2011.Oct.07 09:21 PM

(2011.Oct.07 09:12 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote:  
(2011.Oct.06 06:54 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote:  
(2011.Oct.06 06:16 PM)shadowlinger Wrote:  i see alot of the big dogs are gone...
wow ok now i know i have missed something jeez wake the hell up people.

zen quit

What if zen just needed a breather. I'm not being sarcastic, many of us have put an unrealistic amount of time into this game, and we only stand to lose money. I started to burn out, then about 6 months ago my work life went to shit and this game took a back seat. Maybe zen has other issues to deal with and this game is the least of her problems, it's the first thing I cut out when my time started running short. The game will survive as long as there's a player base, if zen didn't care the game would be gone.If you look at the cred market you can see most people aren't donating. A lot of things are going to shit in our country/world, and I think that maybe the decline in our game has something to do with that. I've had to make sacrifices in my life recently, maybe zen isn't physically able to put the time into the game she wants. Idk, I could be 100% wrong, but since we're all still playing we shouldn't turn on her. Some kinda response from her would be nice from time to time, but in all fairness we have bitched about her enough for her to say fuck it

I'm just being an ass, i fully agree with you, and yes i did read this whole post.

RE: What have i missed? - MrPapagiorgio - 2011.Oct.07 09:25 PM

I agree with you except for one thing. You wrote that:

(2011.Oct.07 09:12 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote:  if zen didn't care the game would be gone.

That argument is a logical fallacy called "Affirming the Consequent." Fallacious arguments are, by definition, invalid.

If zen didn't care the game would be gone. The game is still here, therefore zen must care.

It's entirely possible that zen doesn't care, has left the game on.

Zen should do whatever she needs or wants to do. What disappoints me about the game is that without active administration, it is no longer a game. A game has rules that must be followed and enforced. Without enforcement of rules, it is no longer a game. If is a free-for-all where those who break or ignore the rules most efficiently are able to gain advantage over those who continue to play by those rules.

So, I don't come to AL for the game anymore. I come for the online social interaction. AL is a forum where I hang out with my online friends, and go through the motions of playing.

But make no mistake. AL is not a game anymore. I hope it will be again.

RE: What have i missed? - HeadBustin - 2011.Oct.07 10:38 PM

zen has left to create another game and invited all the people who left recently to join. im not allowed to post the site

RE: What have i missed? - Agatha - 2011.Oct.07 10:41 PM

Users online in the last 24 hours - 358

And left the rest of the 358 to rot?

RE: What have i missed? - HeadBustin - 2011.Oct.07 10:42 PM


RE: What have i missed? - MrPapagiorgio - 2011.Oct.07 10:47 PM

[Image: tumblr_lebq2vMUQp1qzhzyd.gif]

I call bullshit.

RE: What have i missed? - Accipender - 2011.Oct.07 10:58 PM

(2011.Oct.07 09:12 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote:  
(2011.Oct.06 06:54 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote:  
(2011.Oct.06 06:16 PM)shadowlinger Wrote:  i see alot of the big dogs are gone...
wow ok now i know i have missed something jeez wake the hell up people.

zen quit

What if zen just needed a breather. I'm not being sarcastic, many of us have put an unrealistic amount of time into this game, and we only stand to lose money. I started to burn out, then about 6 months ago my work life went to shit and this game took a back seat. Maybe zen has other issues to deal with and this game is the least of her problems, it's the first thing I cut out when my time started running short. The game will survive as long as there's a player base, if zen didn't care the game would be gone.If you look at the cred market you can see most people aren't donating. A lot of things are going to shit in our country/world, and I think that maybe the decline in our game has something to do with that. I've had to make sacrifices in my life recently, maybe zen isn't physically able to put the time into the game she wants. Idk, I could be 100% wrong, but since we're all still playing we shouldn't turn on her. Some kinda response from her would be nice from time to time, but in all fairness we have bitched about her enough for her to say fuck it

I actually don't have a problem with the way things are (my activity is excellent evidence of this). I just like being a smartass. But, if I were to play the devil's advocate, I might bring up the fact that she constantly dangles the promise of new updates to keep players playing. If I were to play the devil's advocate, I might argue that since people play, this game is a kind of service, making it, at least in part, Zen's "job", and would then proceed to argue that if I were to just stop working/showing up altogether at a real-life job, I would get reprimanded at best. I might also argue that most of us have a large investment (be it time, money, or both) in this game, and it saddens and frustrates us that Zenith doesn't update it. Not to say that I believe any of that, but I certainly see the reasoning behind the criticism.

As far as Papag's comment, I both disagree and agree. The fora have largely become a free-for-all, and I only come on for the entertainment. I fail to see, however, the merit to his argument that AL is no longer a 'game'. Throwing your weight around is something that has been an aspect of AL since time immemorial, and that's the closest to an "unfair" advantage that I've seen. Perhaps there's backdoor scandals and rule-breaking ala 7laws, but I suppose ignorance is bliss in this case.

RE: What have i missed? - MrPapagiorgio - 2011.Oct.07 11:33 PM

That's a fair criticism. It's impossible to prove a negative, so I won't try. It's an opinion based on my belief that no one is minding the store. I can't prove it, but there is some circumstantial evidence.

When was the last time that anyone was Fed jailed? My guess is that no one has been jailed for months, despite the fairly clear multitude of multis. I don't know this, but I would guess that it was before w00k left, 200 days ago. His stated reason for leaving was his perception of a gross unfairness in rule enforcement.

It's also my opinion that this lack of admin involvement dates back to the Christmas hack. I can imagine no greater intellectual violation than having your property stolen and published to a worldwide audience. She's entitled to whatever action or reaction she wants.

Would you agree, though, that a game is only a game if if has an agreed upon set of rules that are applied and enforced fairly?

RE: What have i missed? - GlennQuagmire - 2011.Oct.07 11:59 PM

[Image: brick_tamland.jpg]