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Activity bar - Printable Version

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- qorete - 2007.May.07 04:14 AM

lol man probably i do

- Dormagonn - 2007.May.07 05:36 AM

After reading yall's opinions - I came up with a possible solution to this problem.
And it should be easy enough for Zenith too.
The activity bar could show what the player did (a short report on who he attacked, how much did he train, what crimes he pulled of etc.) rather then how long was he online, don't you agree?
Coz lets compare two players, A and B. They played 10 mins yesterday.Player A played two times 5 mins and B played 1 time 10 mins -
So A had played better (he had a chance to have full energy and AP twice, whilst B only had them full once).
So a better meter for activity is the actual achievemnts.
Should show us who walks the walk, and who talks the talk.
And it should be seen by all gang members, not just the Pres and VP.

Hope I got something here Smile

- qorete - 2007.May.07 06:28 AM

i didnt what something that shows how much were you online,but something that shows how active you were(how often do you train do crimes,etc)

- mudpies - 2007.May.07 06:50 AM

I'm wholeheartedly against something that shows everyone what I've done recently. I've got no problem with something showing how active I am but I don't want anyone knowing who I attacked (look in the hosp for that) or what crimes I'm doing or what I'm training in the gym.

- qorete - 2007.May.07 07:38 AM

mudpies Wrote:I'm wholeheartedly against something that shows everyone what I've done recently. I've got no problem with something showing how active I am but I don't want anyone knowing who I attacked (look in the hosp for that) or what crimes I'm doing or what I'm training in the gym.

i dont want that either,just something just mesures how active you are.

- Dormagonn - 2007.May.07 07:58 AM

Aha... How about if the report holds MASKED info i.e.:


attacks (5wins-2losses)
defends (3wins)
training (achieved a total of 146.73)
crimerate (53/61 crimes)
jail (4 times)
jailbusts (3/5)
average logged in time per day: 3,5 h

You see - no names are mentioned, no gym tactics revealed... Maybe your privacy will be kept this way? - feel free to add/subtract a category from the report.

- Dormagonn - 2007.May.07 08:01 AM

p.s. the attack/defend categories reffer to someone not in your gang currently - but that applied or intends to do so. And also, the activity report doesn't have to be always available, only on demand from any player, and after approval from the examined player. again, privacy is allowed with the opt-in.

- mudpies - 2007.May.07 08:23 AM

again, maybe I'm just too private of a person in some instances, but I don't want someone to know that I've trained 48573.378 points in the gym. that's nobody's business but my own. that's just me.

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.May.07 08:57 AM

shouldnt be how many points you got from the gym, but how many points you put into the gym - like actions. and the only people that should be able to access that info besides you should be your gang president and vice president and the game admins

- Punisher - 2007.May.07 09:36 AM

I like privacy also, I dont want others knowing my strategies and latest improvements.