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Friendship Appreciation Day 2010!! - Printable Version

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RE: Friendship Appreciation Day 2010!! - RenegadeJEDI - 2010.Jun.09 04:23 PM

I would like thank all my fans for the hosps and the hosps on this fine day.

RE: Friendship Appreciation Day 2010!! - Monk - 2010.Jun.09 04:28 PM

Happy Friendship day to all. Thanks for all the gifts and the mails. I'll get them back to everyone around midnight when i have a chance.

RE: Friendship Appreciation Day 2010!! - abysmalpoptart - 2010.Jun.09 04:59 PM

nice nice nice Smile 2 more stims left!

RE: Friendship Appreciation Day 2010!! - abysmalpoptart - 2010.Jun.09 06:56 PM

still 2 more stims Smile damn if u guys were to finish this one up i would be sending other stuff... lulz
who turns down a $69 stim pack??? jeez!

RE: Friendship Appreciation Day 2010!! - GlennQuagmire - 2010.Jun.10 01:06 AM

thanks for the friendship messages. there where two many to return..... two to many in fact. Smile

RE: Friendship Appreciation Day 2010!! - abysmalpoptart - 2010.Jun.10 06:36 AM

thanks for the gifts everyone Smile

i hope everyone appreciated theirs as well!