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Elders Being Helpful - Printable Version

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- matt5250 - 2007.Mar.23 04:06 PM

Chris Mangano Wrote:
matt5250 Wrote:
SteelCurtain1979 Wrote:My respect to all parties involved, and I make this comment while being nuetral:

I hope this issue is resolved very soon, it is begining to have a negative effect on the game.

I agree, the fact that the Elders are able to choose who gets to play Awakened Lands and who doesn't is the root of that problem in my opinion.

I like how you spin it so that we are the only ones doing anything, as if your mug had nothing do with this. Honestly, you are really good at that.

I like how you spin it so that the only interaction our two gangs have ever had is the current mugging of trips. as if you guys disbanding two of our gangs and repeatedly hospitalizing us on 5 separate occasions has nothing to do with this. Honestly, you are really good at that.

- Rafallol - 2007.Mar.23 04:19 PM

I think this discussion is pointless

- Jack Daniels - 2007.Mar.23 04:20 PM

I really don't see the need for a debate. It's pretty simple at this point and no further negotiating or argueing is necessary.

We either get our money (2mill at a minimum) back or we continue our onslaught.

The offer Chris made in the initial post in this thread still applies to those who want out of the hospital.

- Eaglefreak - 2007.Mar.23 04:20 PM

I agree! Locked! 8)