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And the results are - Printable Version

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- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.11 06:08 PM

You should of seen the love notes he sent me.

- shadowinc - 2008.Oct.11 06:09 PM

TommiTheTaco Wrote:You should of seen the love notes he sent me.

lol i'll pas this time on that

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.12 01:37 PM

Hmm..Some people have asked me about when those blades are going to come out.

I dunno. I drew the plans, they plot the course. I don't know when they're going to unveil them. I don't ask. XD I'm not too worried about it. Y'all can ask Zenith and Err, if you're wondering.

- JakeBlues - 2008.Oct.12 01:43 PM

Did you receive yours?

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.12 01:44 PM

Not yet.

- JakeBlues - 2008.Oct.12 01:48 PM

Let me know with a hit when you do.

I want to see the difference.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.12 01:51 PM

I can do that for ya.

This is different.. - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.13 09:39 PM

I've been training all day, working my ass off to get to my next strength level..And I got to thinking about borg implants and this contest.

These two thoughts combined in my mind and I came up with this.

Has there ever been a borg implant suggested as a contest prize? A specialized one that's more stem cell made from Arnold's genes than robotics based, though it does have nano-machines to keep the cells fed or something?

I thought I'd throw that out there..I don't know what brought me there, but I thought it might be an interesting concept for folks to consider.

- JaySin - 2008.Oct.13 09:47 PM

that is awesome. being a borg myself i am always up for making myself a better borg as a whole.

maybe have the prize be a +1 borg on any stat including Endurance or Intel.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.13 09:55 PM

Well..That wouldn't be too much of a prize, but you've got the idea..

1) Less humanity taken(even lower than the higher $$$ borgs).

2) More effective(Equal to, say, 1.5 or 2 points of that stat).

3) If used on endurance/intell, still effective, but only 1 point added.

That's what I was thinking..Specialized. To make it a prize, and not just an enhancement.