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RE: Wiki Site - TheMace - 2009.Oct.21 06:01 PM

Game Outline is an online text-based role-playing game set in the near future. The world is much like today, with terrorists, gangs, and an over-zealous media. Large corporations control most of the worlds major industries, politicians are not so much voted for as they are owned, and interest-groups lobby to enact laws to their benefit. You are like many citizens of the land, struggling to make your mark in the world. Will you become the next superstar athlete? Perhaps you will become the world's greatest street fighter. Or will you join the ranks of an underground organized crime unit and go against the establishment?


Attributes are the stats used to determine the outcome of battles, career points earned when working and the success of crimes performed. There are two types of attributes: battle attributes and work attributes. While both types of attributes can affect your criminal activity each has it's own main focus which is detailed in the name. IE: battle attributes affect your combat while work attributes affect your career. Attributes can be increased by using the gym, taking courses in the Awakened Lands University or through a modifier. Each of these stats has a natural number and a modified number. Modifiers for these attributes are acquired through cyberware, some armors and may even be modified in the future through weapons, though such technology is not available at this time. The use of Cyberware to modify an attribute does not impact the ability to meet requirements for items, the only impact such modifiers have are on battle/crime performance. Each attribute is given a rank based on how high a player has developed his/her attributes. Current rank holder for over all attributes is Punisher as listed in the Pantheon of Infamy.

Battle Attributes

Within this category there are four attributes: Accuracy, Dexterity, Resistance, and Strength.


Accuracy describes the closeness of bullets to the target center. Accuracy is one of the main battle attribute for those who use a ranged weapon. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Engineering which offers a 4x multiplier to each career point. Certain Cyberware can also affect this attribute, however such modifiers do not count toward item requirements. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.


Dexterity is the attribute that determines a players reaction time or quickness. The faster a players dexterity the quicker their attack rating, dodge and evade are. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Martial Arts which offers a 4x multiplier to each career point. Certain Cyberware can also affect this attribute, however such modifiers do not count toward item requirements. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.


Resistance allows for any Damage taken to be reduced by a percentage (depending on your current development in this stat). Damage resistance can be increased by wearing armor, armor shielding, helmets or having a high endurance. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Military which offers a 2.25x multiplier to each career point. Certain Cyberware can also affect this attribute, however such modifiers do not count toward item requirements. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.


Strength measures how strong a player is and the ability to deliver damage with melee weapons such as an axe. The higher a players strength the higher their damage base becomes. Strength also increases the encumbrance rate allowing a player to carry more weight. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Construction which offers a 4x multiplier to each career point. Certain Cyberware can also affect this attribute, however such modifiers do not count toward item requirements. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.

Work Attributes

Within this category there are four attributes: Endurance, Intelligence, Reputation, and Work Experience.


Endurance is the ability for a player to exert themselves through aerobic or anaerobic exercise for relatively long periods of time. This stat affects a players ability in the work force and can assist in combat ability. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Athletics which offers a .09x multiplier to each career point. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.


This attribute affects your intelligence based crimes such as drug crimes. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Science which offers a .16x multiplier to each career point. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.


Reputation is the social evaluation of the public toward you, it describes how a person is viewed. Different levels of gym trainers are available as you progress in this stat. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Politics which offers a .04x multiplier to each career point. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.

Work Experience

Work experience is the career that determines how well you succeed in your career, affecting the amount of career points earned in each hour of work. The career that best affects this attribute (for those who use career points to boost stats) is Manufacturing which offers a 2x multiplier to each career point. Classes are available to help increase this attribute in the Awakened Lands University.

Crimes Info

In Awakened Lands there are two types of crimes, Action Point (AP) Crimes and Organized Gang Crimes (OC's). The distinction between the two are gang crimes are performed within a gang, the number of people required to pull of the crime based upon the number of members in the gang. AP crimes are can be performed individually regardless of if the player is in a gang or not, and each AP crime utilizes action points. The points required for each AP crime vary depending on the difficulty of the crime.

Note: In order for a player to be able to perform a gang crime, permission by the gang leader must first be set to allow member access.
AP Crimes

Con Games and Fraud

Three Shells Con Game - 1 AP Required
Two Dice Con Game - 1 AP Required
Coin Con - 2 AP Required
Insurance Fraud - 23 AP Required
Forgery - 25 AP Required
Ponzi Scheme - 27 AP Required


Car - 4 AP Required
Trailer - 5 AP Required
Mobile Home - 6 AP Required
House - 7 AP Required


Simple Mugging - 3 AP Required
Targeted Mugging - 4 AP Required
Group Mugging - 6 AP Required


Drifter - 3 AP Required
Tourist - 4 AP Required
Monorail Station - 5 AP Required
Decatur International Airport - 6 AP Required
Decatur International Airport Security - 28 AP Required


Liquor Store - 3 AP Required
Discount Drug Store - 4 AP Required

Drug Crimes

Simple Meth Lab - 7 AP Required
Sym-Pak Theft - 15 AP Required ( Industrial District Only! )
Complex Meth Lab - 22 AP Required

Computer Crimes

Simple ALOL Hack - 5 AP Required
Sniff Midlan Corporate Data - 30 AP Required ( Midlan Only! )
Sniff Underground Hideout Data - 31 AP Required ( Decatur Underground Only! )
Sniff Beach District Data - 32 AP Required ( Decatur Beach Only! )


Following a simple target - 1 AP Required
Gang Surveillance - 24 AP Required
Police Surveillance - 26 AP Required

Grand Theft Auto

Steal an old clunker - 9 AP Required
Steal a car - 12 AP Required
Steal a classic car - 16 AP Required
Steal a luxury car - 18 AP Required
Steal a sports car - 21 AP Required


Field - 3 AP Required
Abandoned Building - 10 AP Required

Organized Crimes Planning

Gang Mug
Gang Members Required: 3
Hours to Complete: 24
Pay Range: unkown

Gang Members Required: 5
Hours to Complete: 32
Pay Range: unkown

Rob a Local Merchant
Gang Members Required: 6
Hours to Complete: 38
Pay Range: unkown

Rob a Warehouse
Gang Members Required: 7
Hours to Complete: 42
Pay Range: unkown

Rob a Strip Mall
Gang Members Required: 8
Hours to Complete: 46
Pay Range: unkown

Rob a Small Bank
Gang Members Required: 9
Hours to Complete: 50
Pay Range: unkown

Rob an Armored Truck
Gang Members Required: 12
Hours to Complete: 60
Pay Range: unkown

Rob a Medium-Sized Bank
Gang Members Required: 15
Hours to Complete: 70
Pay Range: unkown

Rob a High-Tech Corp Warehouse
Gang Members Required: 16
Hours to Complete: 50
Pay Range: unkown


Awakened Lands is a player vs. player game and there are many combat options that allow one player to attack another or one gang to war another (gang wars). New players are exempt from combat unless they choose to attack or are attacked by another player of the same level/age. Once such an attack is made they become open for attacks by the entire community.
Individual Battles

Individual battles are fights outside of a gang wars and involve only two (2) people, though these types of battles have been known to lead to actual gang wars. There are four general options for this type of combat: Leave, Mug, Brutalize, and Hospitalize. Each of these attacks requires the use of Energy Points (EP) which is based on the attacking players level and for the attacker to be in the same district as the intended target. Players who are in "Serious" and "Critical" condition are typically unable to be attacked. Recently (2009) a difficulty modifier was added for those extra tough fight. This modifier allows for additional experience in applicable fights. Below is an example of what you may encounter should you fight someone who is deceptively strong:

You honorably defeat (opponent's name) in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 356 (Due to the difficulty of this combat, you have received extra experience!)
Hospitalization Time : 25

This option offers the most experience to the attacker should he/she win the fight along with minor hospital time. As a general players typically do not use this option to attack an online player, preferring offline or inactive targets. Experience and hospital stays range from player to play according to level and damage the loser takes. Hospital stays for losing in a gang battle are generally higher for the attacker then for the defender should the attacker lose.

Mugging is another way for a player to gain cash, provided the target has cash on hand and the attacker wins the fight. This option does not provide as much experience as the "leave" option, and hospital time for the loser is minimal (usually around 10 minutes). Hospital stays for losing in a gang battle are generally higher for the attacker then for the defender should the attacker lose.

This option requires the use of your full energy (energy drain) as it takes a lot out of a person to beat someone to a bloody pulp. Brutalize may help a player attacking a slightly higher level (or player with higher attributes). The hospital stay for this option varies but is much higher then any of the previous options.

Hospitalize is a feature often (but not always) reserved for "teaching someone a lesson". The hospital stays for this option are much longer then the "mug" or "leave" option but require less energy then the "brutalize" option. It is rumored that a player seeking to hospitalize another player has a slight disadvantage, since you are so intent on the target you may receive slightly more damage then normal. No experience is gained for hospitalizations.

Gang Wars

Gang wars now consist of two (2) or more gangs attempting to defeat another gang(s) hideout. Each side has the option to attack their opponent or defend their own hideout.

Attacking another gang consists of utilizing action points to try to defeat the opponent's hideout defense rating. Attacking a hideout requires at least one equipped weapon. Weapons useful against other players might not be as useful against hideouts, while some weak weapons against players might perform well in gang wars.

Defending your gang hideout requires action points used in planning (intelligence) and resisting damage against opponent attacks (resistance). Players in jail or the hospital can still help defend their hideout by offering plans (intelligence) during war.

Gang wars end when one gang's hideout is overrun (defensive rating below zero). Wars continue until an attack is made against an opponent below zero defense rating, so ganging up can result in multiple losses in war very quickly. The end goal of these wars are to win gang points which can be used to purchase gang upgrades.
Gang Battle

Gang battles are another way for a player to earn additional gang points which are then added into the gangs total points won at the end of the war. Performing a gang battle requires energy and for you to be in the same district as the player you intend to attack. Players who are below the health rating of "serious" are unable to be attacked. Along with individual gang points a player can also earn experience through a gang battle. Hospital stays for losing in a gang battle are higher for the attacker then for the defender and are typically about the same as a "leave".

Tips and Tricks

Players who perform gang battles and win points are generally guaranteed to have gang points themselves.

A trick used (often by lower level players) to avoid multiple trips to the hospital, is to use a stim to get a hospital stay down to only a minute or two then allow the time to run out normally. This brings a player out of the hospital still in "critical" condition preventing any further attack until they recover enough hit points. If a player stims completely out of the hospital they will usually recover half of their hit points thereby allowing an opponent another attack and the possibility of losing more gang points.

District hopping is another tactic player like to use when trying to avoid being hit, though this method does cost a bit of cash and generally results in a hospital stay all the same as many gangs have players spread out among the various districts to monitor player movement during wars.

Cyberware Information

Cyberware is the replacement of natural human tissue for performance enhancement purposes. All cyberware implants cost a player some of their limited humanity score. Each rating of cyberware costs more cash and humanity. All cyberware on the list below can be purchased again and again until the max rating is reached for that item.

Humanity is the measure of one's wholeness of body. When a player elects to trade their natural body for cybernetic enhancements, they are permanently losing a part of themselves. A player's humanity score can never drop below 0, and grows slowly based on activity. Everyone starts at a 5 humanity.

Cyberware surgery requires a visit to the hospital after every new implant. Some of these hospital stays are very long, up to 12 hours of game time. The hospital stay for these implants is mandatory, as stim-packs cannot speed up the recovery process. With this in mind, it is suggested you start the surgery when you know you will be gone for a couple hours.

All cyberware implants have a maximum rating, and cannot be traded or sold. Humanity lost can never be recovered, and currently the chop shop does not perform removals or upgrades to a other cyberware tech. So select your cyberware with care, as it cannot be removed... only purchased again to improve its rating.

Cyberware bonuses do not count toward item requirements, only natural stats do.

Cyberware Chop Doc

Cybernetic Eye Replacement
Cybernetic eye replacement takes your natural eyes and replaces them with computerized optical transmitters to improve vision. Eye replacements can look like anything, from a real eye to silvered orbs.

Stat Modification: Accuracy +1
Humanity Cost: 0.85
Max Hospital Time: 120 minutes
Price: $75,000

Titanium Joint Replacement
Titanium joint replacement takes the major joints such as the knees, elbows, and ankles, and replaces them with titanium computerized joints to improve reaction time and fluidity of motion.

Stat Modification: Dexterity +1
Humanity Cost: 0.85
Max Hospital Time: 480 minutes
Price: $75,000

Cybernetic Limb Replacement
Cybernetic limb replacement takes the arms and implants titanium in the bones and joints to withstand the power of new vat-grown muscle tissue.

Stat Modification: Strength +1
Humanity Cost: 0.85
Max Hospital Time: 400 minutes
Price: $75,000

Dermal Plating
Dermal plating takes kevlar, dyneema and naturally-grown hardened human skin and fuses them under the skin. Coverage areas include the torso, midsection and upper legs.

Stat Modification: Resistance +1
Humanity Cost: 0.65
Max Hospital Time: 150 minutes
Price: $60,000

Bionetic Eye Replacement
The bionetic eye replacement is similar to the cybernetic replacement, but grown completely from synthetically-cultured human tissue. Vision is improved beyond normal human means.

Stat Modification: Accuracy +1
Humanity Cost: 0.60
Max Hospital Time: 180 minutes
Price: $200,000

Bionetic Joint Coating
Bionetic joint coating takes synthetically-grown glands and implants them near the major joints to provide better and quicker motion than normal human means.

Stat Modification: Dexterity +1
Humanity Cost: 0.60
Max Hospital Time: 480 minutes
Price: $200,000

Muscle Replacement
Muscle replacement takes synthetically-grown muscle-tissue and replaces your own. Tendons and joints are also strengthened by synthetic human tissue.

Stat Modification: Strength +1
Humanity Cost: 0.60
Max Hospital Time: 420 minutes
Price: $200,000

Bio-mod Dermal Chitin Armor
Bio-mod uses synthetically-grown human skin and cultures it with their own synthesizers to greatly increase the durability and strength of natural skin. The only problem is it takes a long time to heal, as they strip off most of your natural skin.

Stat Modification: Resistance +1
Humanity Cost: 0.40
Max Hospital Time: 360 minutes
Price: $160,000

Cultured Bionetic Eye Replacement
Cultured bionetic eye replacements are merely standard bionetic eye replacements grown from stem-cells from the recipient.

Stat Modification: Accuracy +1
Humanity Cost: 0.45
Max Hospital Time: 240 minutes
Price: $350,000

Cultured Bionetic Joint Coating
Cultured bionetic joint coatings are merely standard bionetic joint coatings grown from stem-cells from the recipient.

Stat Modification: Dexterity +1
Humanity Cost: 0.45
Max Hospital Time: 480 minutes
Price: $350,000

Cultured Muscle Augmentation
Cultured bionetic muscle augmentations are merely standard bionetic muscle augmentations grown from stem-cells from the recipient.

Stat Modification: Strength +1
Humanity Cost: 0.45
Max Hospital Time: 480 minutes
Price: $350,000

Cultured Bio-replacement Dermal Armor
Cultured Bio-mod Dermal Armor is similar to bionetic dermal chitin, but grown from the stem-cells of the recipient.

Stat Modification: Resistance +1
Humanity Cost: 0.30
Max Hospital Time: 300 minutes
Price: $280,000


Gangs are organized groups of people who help and protect each other, work together defeating other gangs in Gang Wars as well as making money by performing Organized Crimes (OC's). Starting a gang costs $50,000 for a base gang containing 3 slots (see gang upgrades).
Gang Advertising

Gangs can choose to purchase advertisement/recruiting pages and the gang name and page link will be added to the Featured Gangs area of this page. name listed below which will take you to their corresponding pages. Prices for this service can be found here on the Price List page. Please contact Chade to setup gang advertising if interested.

Gym Information

The gym is where players go to workout and build up their battle attributes (stats). For a price you can enlist help through the use of trainers. Everyone starts with the "Novice" gym trainer but more trainers can be acquired with a higher level of reputation. Training in the gym makes your character stronger over time. It is recommended that when you train in the gym, your happiness level is at its max to see the full benefit of the training. Other factors involved in determining gym points are endurance, humanity, housing, amount of energy and the trainer you use if you choose to use one.
Gym Trainers

Each trainer offers a different level of training, the higher the gym trainer the better the training and the more it costs to train. A chart is being developed to track the average amount of points earned per energy point for each trainer. This chart is located here: Gym Trainer Comparison Chart and at the bottom of this page for your convenience.

$5 per energy point

$10 per energy point

$20 per energy point - Requires Level 2 Reputation

$30 per energy point - Requires Level 3 Reputation
Experienced Pro

$40 per energy point - Requires Level 4 Reputation
Advanced Pro

$45 per energy point - Requires Level 5 Reputation

$50 per energy point - Requires Level 6 Reputation

$60 per energy point - Requires Level 7 Reputation

Occasionally Awakened Lands hosts a gym day or "Gymboree". On this day you can access "The Zone" for $15 per energy point. This trainer allows you you to train without losing any happiness while receiving an increased training boost.

The Zone
$15 per energy point

Special Arnold
Special Arnold is a celebrity trainer who occasionally comes around offering his services to the people of Awakened Lands. He has only made an appearance once charging $5 per energy point, but this in no way reflects what he may charge in the future. Arnold has so many clients sometimes he loses concentration. Some of his trains will be better than any other trainer out there, while others will be close to what the cheapest trainer available offers.

Arnold's Roid Rage Workout

$5 per energy point - Cost may vary in other appearances.
Gym Trainer Formula

An exact formula for figuring gym training is far to complicated to produce with all that is involved and something the game admin do not want released even if it could be produced. However thanks to Zenith I can now give you a way to get the general figures for each gym trainer at your current individual endurance, happiness, energy, humanity, etc... levels.

Trainer Development Rate
None Base
Novice +5% over base
Experienced +8% over base
Advanced +12% over base
Professional +15% over base
Experienced Pro +18% over base
Advanced Pro +21% over base
Expert +24% over base
Guru +28% over base
Gym Trainer Comparison Chart

The chart below will not continue to be developed with the new information available (Gym Trainer Formula). I will keep this chart posted for those who want a visual on what can be achieved with trainers.

The following chart is an average based on full happiness (Ranch - 700), full energy points (56 EP), humanity of 8 and an Endurance of 13. The averages have been determined based on 5 gym trains with each trainer at full happiness/energy. Your results may vary, though this chart should relate an idea of what to expect when using the gym trainers. The development points have been rounded to the nearest hundreds. Understand that these numbers can change significantly with higher or lower amounts of happiness, endurance, humanity and energy points. This chart is to give you an idea of the progression for each trainer.

Trainer Accuracy Dexterity Resistance Strength
None 0.86 / EP 0.86 / EP 0.57 / EP 0.86 / EP
Novice 0.91 / EP 0.91 / EP 0.59 / EP 0.92 / EP
Experienced 0.95 / EP 0.94 / EP 0.61 / EP 0.94 / EP
Advanced 0.98 / EP 0.97 / EP 0.63 / EP 0.97 / EP
Professional 1.00 / EP 1.00 / EP 0.65 / EP 1.00 / EP
Experienced Pro 1.03 / EP 1.03 / EP 0.70 / EP 1.04 / EP
Advanced Pro Not Known Not Known Not Known Not Known
Expert Not Known Not Known Not Known Not Known
Guru Not Known Not Known Not Known Not Known

RE: Wiki Site - Dingus - 2009.Oct.22 05:40 AM

You need a hobbie!

RE: Wiki Site - spacebird - 2009.Oct.22 05:49 AM

or to quit doing meth!

RE: Wiki Site - TheMace - 2009.Oct.22 06:17 AM

I am an academic it is natural for me to copy and paste other people's work, change it slightly and pass it off as my own *cough* ha ha! Wink

RE: Wiki Site - Dingus - 2009.Oct.22 06:24 AM

haha...good one mace!

RE: Wiki Site - Gigster - 2009.Oct.27 07:55 AM

So are there plans to get that wiki back or should we just start a new one?

RE: Wiki Site - zenith - 2009.Oct.27 10:18 AM

(2009.Oct.27 07:55 AM)Gigster Wrote:  So are there plans to get that wiki back or should we just start a new one?

I just installed a blank wiki at If anyone wants to help rebuild it, please mail me in-game. I have a lot of data from the old one, but it's not in the nice format Mace posted.

RE: Wiki Site - InPaceRequiscat - 2009.Oct.27 11:13 AM

Why was it taken down?

If it was a financial issue, anyone else here besides me willing to throw chade some cash?

RE: Wiki Site - SisterLynx - 2009.Oct.27 11:24 AM

(2009.Oct.27 11:13 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote:  Why was it taken down?

If it was a financial issue, anyone else here besides me willing to throw chade some cash?

I would, but I don't think it would help. Sad

RE: Wiki Site - zenith - 2009.Oct.27 11:42 AM

(2009.Oct.27 11:13 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote:  Why was it taken down?

If it was a financial issue, anyone else here besides me willing to throw chade some cash?

I don't think it was financial. I think he was frustrated with things.